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减债将会造成伤害。Reducing that load will hurt.

半胱氨酸也是一种还原剂。L-cysteine is also a reducing agent.

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减少数据流模型中的混乱Reducing clutter in data-flow models

采用无氧化还原退火炉。The reducing annealing furnace is _.

好莲沱茶有助降低胆固醇。This is good for reducing cholesterol.

采用无氧化还原退火炉。The reducing annealing furnace is adopted.

降低蚊子传播的风险。Reducing the risk of mosquito transmission.

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节省鞋楦,降低制造成本。Reducing producing cost through last-saving.

例如稀光漆,减韧油。Examples are thin varnish, reducing oil, etc.

她在最近几周一直在节食减肥。She has been reducing for the last few weeks.

这种害虫吃棉蕾,减少了作物产量。Fabricius can eat cotton buds, reducing crops.

口服避孕药,会减少雄性激素。Oral contraceptives work by reducing androgens.

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减少由蝙蝠传播给马的风险。Reducing the risk of bat-to-horse transmission.

减少蝙蝠向人类传播的风险。Reducing the risk of bat-to-human transmission.

分析表明,支管缩径是可行的。It is proved that reducing of branch is feasible.

减少由马传播给人类的风险。Reducing the risk of horse-to-human transmission.

减少人传人的风险。Reducing the risk of human-to-human transmission.

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减少由动物传播给人的风险。Reducing the risk of animal-to-human transmission.

样本的减少为根据四分法来操作的。The reducing of samples was performed by quartering.

但CO2不能延缓大米还原糖的降低。CO2 was not able to delay lowering of reducing sugar.