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弗洛伊德医生被培训成为一个神经科专家。Doctor Freud was trained as a neurologist.

一个神经科专家在一个神经学上的问题上错了?。The neurologist is wrong about a neurological problem.

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每天吃几个苹果就能让你远离神经病医生。A couple of apples a day may keep the neurologist away.

小组中的一位神经病学家检查总计553名纳入研究者。A total of 553 subjects were examined by a neurologist.

现在,这位神经学家建议更多人采用他母亲的烹饪食谱。Now the neurologist suggests more people take up his mother's cooking.

弗雷尔金今年39岁,是俄勒冈卫生科学大学一名神经学家。Frerking , 39, is a neurologist at Oregon Health and Science University.

关于他最近是否接受神经科医生的检查,尚不得而知。It is not known whether he has been evaluated by a neurologist recently.

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建议找个对多汗症有研究的,神经生理学方面的专家。Find a neurologist who specializes in the neurophysiology of hyperhidrosis.

头痛要获得适切的治疗,第一步通常必须去找神经科医师。Proper treatment for migraines usually starts with a visit to a neurologist.

德特里克的神经医师说,药房也没通知他已经换药。Detrick's neurologist said the pharmacy didn't inform him of the change either.

我是一个神经科医师,每天都能见到大脑疾患引起的精神障碍。I am a working neurologist who sees brain disease causing mental dysfunction every day.

吉博斯找来了一个神经科专门医师,他绕过管理部门,非常乐意给托德做检查。Gibbons found a neurologist who was willing to examine Todd without notifying the authorities.

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“商务部”安慰你大概是指专科如骨科或头痛。Doc" Comfort will probably refer you to a specialist, such as an orthopedist or a neurologist."

记得有这么一次与一个神经科博士交谈关于“疯狂”是否存在,如何存在。I recall a conversation with a neurologist about whether 'insanity' exists, and if it did, how.

医生,费城神经病学家,也给总统看过病。Dercum, a neurologist from Philadelphia, who also attended the president, ordered his notes destroyed.

一位神经学家说,任何能穿透人体的东西都能触发一种原始的恐惧。The root of anything that can penetrate the human body triggers an ancestral fear, according to one neurologist.

思想是一座冰山,水面上的只是全部的七分之一---西格蒙德。弗洛伊德,奥地利神经学者。The mind is an iceberg — it floats with only one-seventh of its bulk above water---Sigmund Freud, Austrian neurologist.

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在俄勒冈州的欧仁,神经病学家雷•英格兰德在圣心医疗中心领导重建中风救治所。In Eugene, Ore. , neurologist Dr. Ray Englander led the effort to reconstruct stroke care at Sacred Heart Medical Center.

神经医学专家温德尔称,绝大多数习惯性头痛患者病因都是服用了过多的止痛药。Neurologist Natalie Wiendels says the vast majority of people who suffer from chronic headaches take too many painkillers.

另一块是靠后一点的韦尼克区,它是以19世纪德国神经学家卡尔•韦尼克命名的。The other is Wernicke's area farther back in the brain. That area is named after the 19th century German neurologist Carl Wernicke.