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这是罪加一等。That's cardinal sin number one.

中国不搞四个坚持能行吗?Can China reject the Four Cardinal Principles?

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示范如何绘制基本和贝兹曲线。Shows how to draw Cardinal and Bezier splines.

当我们离开时,红雀全家也迁走了。By the time we left, so had the cardinal family.

我同比尔和斯佩尔曼红衣主教一起吃过晚饭。I've had dinner with Bill and Cardinal Spellman.

我们详细讨论了一个大是大非的问题。We batted a cardinal question of right and wrong.

红衣主教黎塞留是阴谋反对安妮女王。Cardinal Richelieu is plotting against Queen Anne.

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它的建筑优美,正对着红衣主教比拉格的喷泉。It is opposite the fountain of Cardinal de Birague.

四次加注后弃牌是扑克对局中重要的错误之一。Four-bet folding is one of the cardinal sins in poker.

红衣主教梅斯基亚无疑是个怪人。Cardinal Meschia was without doubt a singular character.

实力与计谋是战争的基本力量。Force , and fraud , are in war the two cardinal virtues.

红衣主教温宁的许诺使他们受到鼓舞。They were encouraged by a promise from Cardinal Winning.

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因其主要症状为好食易饥。Because its cardinal symptoms are the good food easy hunger.

主方向与两段叙述完全吻合。The cardinal directions matched exactly in the two tellings.

“纯粹的客观是一个荒谬的概念”,主教说。"Pure objectivity is an absurd abstraction, " says the Cardinal.

效用又分为基数效用和序数效用。Utility can be divided into cardinal utility and ordinal utility.

拉辛格主教一生都是位虔诚的天主教徒。Cardinal Ratzinger has been a very devout Catholic his whole life.

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文章证明,基数B样条的各阶导数是一类二进小波。Dirivatives of cardinal B-splines are proved to be dyadic wavelets.

爱德华‧艾根主教带领一队牧师开始了临终祷告。Edward Cardinal Egan led a team of priests to begin giving last rites.

要来我们就让他们完蛋,罗马教皇和主教魏斯曼。If they come here we'll cook their goose, the Pope and Cardinal Wisman.