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发牢骚的人没人缘。In 2, the grumbler 's popularity.

月的考试中取得优异成绩!CPIM exams gain popularity in China!

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希望、好人缘更珍贵。Wishes, popularity are more valuable.

但是人气似乎在不断增长。But the popularity seems to be growing.

新产品一下子普及开来。The new product jumped into popularity.

在中国刘翔的知名度很高。Liuxiang enjoys high popularity in China.

新任总统深得民气。The new president achieved great popularity.

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节目的流行反而成了祸根。The show's popularity has also been a curse.

另外还有就是对影响力和流行程度的排名。Ranking by influnce or popularity is another.

请问您觉得SUHO造型的社会知名度如何?How about social popularity of SUHO modelling?

湘绣赢得了声望与日俱增。Xiang Embroidery gained popularity day by day.

有些徒有其名的礼物,这么受欢迎。There is tribute, of a kind, in such popularity.

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我们还能想出什么其他原因来解释Crocs的流行吗?How else can you explain the popularity of Crocs?

门多萨在他的全盛时斯深受大家欢迎。In his day,Mendoza enjoyed tremendous popularity.

各国政府看上去越来越欢迎集雨技术。Popularity with governments appears to be growing.

有些传统可能会被人们淡忘。Some traditions might lose popularity with people.

近年来,计算机越来受欢迎。In recent years computers have grown in popularity.

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我们的产品饮誉全球。Our product enjoys popularity throughout the world.

声望是我从未经受的侮辱之一。Popularity is the one insult I have never suffered.

委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国领导人所吹嘘的声望猛跌。The Bolivarian leader's vaunted popularity tumbles.