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我已经让人搜过那些山了。I have people scouting the hills already.

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童子军活动向各不同年龄段的青少年开放。Scouting is open to a variety of age groups.

所以,把它当做你的猎物来侦察。So, think of this as scouting for your prey.

一只猫鼬在喀拉哈里搜寻猎物A meerkat scouting for predators in the Kalahari

侦察是一项危险的行动,但这个险值得冒。Scouting is a risky maneuver but it can pay off.

林奇堡向联邦的侦查军投降。Lynchburg surrendered to a Federal scouting party.

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这个导游在他的探勘之旅后准备相当充分。The tour guide was well-prepared after his a scouting trip.

艾什不妨激活该技艺,放出她的鹰灵,来举办保皇游戏侦察。Ashe can activate to send her Hawk Spirit on a scouting mission.

童子军运动和童子军是美国文化中众所周知的事物。Scouting and Boy Scouts are well known throughout American culture.

在招募奶妈的过程中,他还要求看看这位母亲的亲生孩子。Scouting for employees, he also asks to see a mother's natural baby.

采木过程包括勘查和砍伐。The process of purchasing and cutting included scouting and chopping.

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双桅纵帆船的高船速决定了它很适合贸易和探索。Schooners are fast ships that are well suited for trading and scouting.

我们正在物色一些新的,有创意的人才来加入到我们的营销部门当中来。We're scouting out some new creative talent for our marketing department.

在一项研究中,参与者阅读了关于一个篮球运动员的球探报告。In one study, participants read the scouting report on a basketball player.

所以在大尺寸地图上,玩家最好多派些兵力实施侦察。So the larger the map is, the more scouting troops you should probably send.

拉勒认为较低的轨道有利于更好地考察未来的着陆点。A low orbit will allow for better scouting of future landing sites, said Lele.

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卢克·天行者指挥官在执行侦察任务时遭到万帕野蛮的攻击。Commander Luke Skywalker was savagely attacked by a wampa while on scouting duty.

他还发现有一支伊渥克侦察队碰到了外星人。He also observed when an Ewok scouting expedition crossed paths with offworlders.

在骑兵连和敌军之间,除了小股的侦察兵而外,已经没有人影了。Between the squadron and the enemy there was no one now but a few scouting parties.