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道教的仪礼空间与王朝的正统性。Taoist Ritual Space and Dynastic Legitimacy.

他们得证明其价值和正确性.They have to prove their value and legitimacy.

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我再次否认这些电话记录的合法性。I once again deny the legitimacy of the phone interceptions.

我想他们就是在此获得许可的I think that would be where they would get their legitimacy.

这可增加理事会决议的权威性和合法性。That could add authority and legitimacy to council decisions.

他不断引用该文章作为自己研究合法性的证据。He continues to cite the article as evidence of his legitimacy.

“法律的合法性”问题属于哈贝马斯合法性理论中的子问题。"Legal legitimacy" issue is sub-issue of Habermas' legitimacy theory.

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经原故事让电子邮件传说的合法性的感觉。Having the original story gives email legends a feeling of legitimacy.

环境民间组织作为一类组织生存下去的首要问题是其合法性。The chief requirement of ENGO as a kind of organization is its legitimacy.

我们同意阿拉伯联盟的意见,卡扎菲已经失去了领导国家的合法性。We agree with the Arab League that Qadhafi has lost the legitimacy to lead.

罗塞夫在会上指出,安理会的合法性有赖于它的改革。Rosoff told the meeting that the Council's legitimacy depends on its reform.

在这个当口,更需要加强金家王朝统治的合法性。The emphasis on the Kim family's legitimacy to lead has never been stronger.

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第五部分着重分析世界公民权利的内容、性质及其合法性。The legitimacy derives from two theory of the finitude of globe and property.

范泰尔并没有说,延伸和否定是不合理的作法。Van Til does not deny the legitimacy of extrapolations and negations as such.

孟子则进一步将礼安顿在内在心性之中,将“心”作为礼的合法性基础。Mengzi furthered to explain the 'heart' as the legitimacy foundation of rites.

伊拉克和阿富汗正是没有合法授权下动武的教训。Iraq and Afghanistan were lessons in the impotence of force without legitimacy.

不过,IMF面临着合法性降低和代表率不足的问题。But the IMF suffers from problems of eroding legitimacy and inadequate leverage.

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西方势力必须坚持的一个原则是格政府的合法性。One principle the West must insist on is the legitimacy of Georgia's government.

一条原则是,西方必须坚持格鲁吉亚政府的合法性。One principle the West must insist on is the legitimacy of Georgia’s government.

此外,政企间关系能够完全通过合法性来影响企业间关系的形成和发展。Besides, B2G can affect the forming and developing of B2B only through legitimacy.