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我们将会感受到与那个执政官相同的恐惧。We will have felt the same fear in that consul.

平克顿和领事敲门进来。Pinkerton and the Consul knock at the door and enter.

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美国驻上海总领事康碧翠女士在重新开馆三十周年招待会上的讲话Consul General Camp’s Remarks at Anniversary Reception

他把维鲁斯·安东尼从财务官提升为执政官。He made Verus Antoninus consul after his quaestorship.

贵馆总领事对中山市的了解程度有多少?How much does Consul General know about Zhongshan City?

我们的总领事还将访问安徽斑斓的黄山。Our Consul General will visit Anhui's beautiful Huangshan.

大家好,我是加拿大驻上海总领事艾伟敦。Hello, I am Consul General of Canada in Shanghai Weldon Epp.

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领事点点头,他心不在焉的将苏格兰威士忌举至嘴边。The Consul nodded and absently raised the Scotch to his lips.

与领事们合影。右二为刘海波领事。With the Chinese Consuls . 2nd from right is Consul Liu Haibo.

川村泰久是日本驻纽约副总领事。Yasuhisa Kawamura is Japan's deputy consul general in New York.

你,卡提林,执政官和元老院应该让你去死。You Catiline, who the consul and the senate shall lead to death.

颜建群副总领事主持了招待会。The reception was presided over by Deputy Consul General Yu Boren.

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我是新西兰驻上海总领事葛甘楠。I'm Guergana Guermanoff, Consul General of New Zealand in Shanghai.

西元前205年担任执政官,受命进攻非洲的迦太基人。As consul in 205 he won the right to attack the Carthaginians in Africa.

李峰领事和姚英华副领事陪同出席了以上活动。Consul Li Feng and Vice Consul Yao Yinghua were present at the ceremony.

杨国强总领事佩戴明尼苏达大学徽章。Consul General Yang Guoqiang wearing a University of Minnesota lapel pin.

印度尼西亚领事在达沃市,马来西亚领事在三宝颜市。Consul of Indonesia in Davao City, Malaysia Consular at the Zamboanga City.

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康总领事的前两次黄山之行都是以个人的名义。Consul General Camp's first two trips to Yellow Mountain were personal trips.

丹麦王国驻广州总领事科瑞德先生做开幕式致辞。Mr. Thomas Christensen, the Consul General of Denmark gave the opening speech.

刘云翔挟持德国领事威廉,欲放走钱汉光换回亨利。The German consul William Liu Yunxiang hostage, to let the money for Henry han.