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女子血浆是从不同的孤蛋?Of woman plasm is different from the parthenogenetic egg?

构造出一种基于单亲遗传算子的免疫算法用于求解此模型。An immune algorithm based on parthenogenetic operators is proposed for solving the model.

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据信这是克隆或单性生殖异常的主要原因之一。This is thought to be one of the chief reasons cloned and parthenogenetic cells are abnormal.

对孤雌生殖胚胎进行培养可以代替体外受精胚胎筛选最佳体外培养系统。Parthenogenetic embryos could be used to detect the culture system in vitro as well as fertilized embryos.

单亲遗传算法具有与传统遗传算法类似的隐含并行性。The evolution mechanism of parthenogenetic algorithm is same-as the one of traditional genetic algorithms.

卵母细胞体外成熟培养是体外受精、卵母细胞孤雌激活、核移植等技术的基础。In vitro fertilization, parthenogenetic activation of oocyte, nuclear transfer and so on, are basical on IVM.

系统探讨了几种激活方法对水牛卵母细胞孤雌发育的影响。Effects of activation methods on the parthenogenetic development of buffalo oocytes were examined in this study.

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1984年在成都地区进行孤雌生殖杂交油菜的品比及栽培试验。Variety and cultivation trials of hybrid rape of parthenOgenetic origin were carried out in Chengdu in 1981-1984.

可见牛异体颗粒细胞线粒体移植可改善牛孤雌激活胚的发育。Therefore the allo-granular cells' mitochondria transfer improved the development of bovine parthenogenetic embryos.

对小鼠卵母细胞进行孤雌激活用于单性生殖研究。In order to study parthenogenesis in depth, ES cells from parthenogenetic embryos of mice were isolated and cultured.

直至受精或孤雌活化,卵母细胞才能最终完成减数分裂。The oocytes release from the MII arrest complete the meiotic division till fertilization or parthenogenetic activation.

提出了求解度约束最小生成树问题的单亲遗传算法。In this paper, a parthenogenetic algorithm for solving the degree-constrained minimum spanning tree problem is proposed.

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这项研究第一次显示单性繁殖血细胞可替换免疫妥协的成年小鼠的血细胞。This study shows for the first time that parthenogenetic blood cells can replace those of an immunocompromised adult mouse.

我们无法忘记这个伤痕累累的孤胆英雄,更无法忘记他输球时的那一抹深邃的眼神。We can not forget the scars of the parthenogenetic gall heroes, but also can not forget that when he lost touch of deep eyes.

孤雌生殖卤虫具有与两性生殖卤虫显著不同的TO基本带型和ALP标志带区。Parthenogenetic Anemia has TO basic zymogram and ALP marker zone which are significantly different from those of the bisexual Artemia.

提出了一种利用退火单亲遗传算法对压气机叶片按设计要求进行排序的算法。The paper reveals the solution to sort the air-compressor blade problems with simulated annealing parthenogenetic algorithm in MATLAB.

群体累积培养时,悬沙对轮虫种群的雌体密度、雄体密度、孤雌生殖卵和休眠卵的密度以及种群的动态变化规律无显著影响。In accumulative culture, the densities of female, males, parthenogenetic eggs, and resting eggs in the population were not affected by silt.

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通过深度优先遍历流程树,利用单亲遗传算法对流程效劳停止优化组合。Then, dynamic optimized the orders of service process by parthenogenetic algorithm in the process of depth-first traversal of the process tree.

蚜虫是一类刺吸式口器的小型昆虫,孤雌生殖、世代周期极短、繁殖率高,这使得蚜虫种群增长迅速。Aphids are small sap-sucking insects whose parthenogenetic reproduction and short generation time allow them to increase population size rapidly.

检验TSA对猪卵母细胞体外成熟以及孤雌胚胎发育的影响。The present study was designed to examine the effect of TSA on the maturation of porcine oocytes and development of parthenogenetic embryos in vitro.