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利迪娅问。Lydia asked.

利迪娅大笑,摇摇头。Lydia laughed and shook her head.

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“请不要嘲笑我,”利迪娅说。“Please don’t gibe me,” Lydia said.

利季娅毫无目标地走到走廊。Lydia wandered aimlessly into the hallway.

我想给你们介绍一下我的妻子,莉迪亚。I'd like to introduce my wife, Lydia to you.

“我相信我的心是一定要碎的,”丽迪雅说。"I am sure I shall break mine, " said Lydia.

我不相信利迪亚的话因为她当时很生气。Lydia got very angry and I do not believe her.

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反映肥姐四十年一生的星路。Lydia reflects her 40 years of star road life.

翻译坦塔罗斯是罗底亚富有而又强大的国王。Tantalus was the rich and mighty king of Lydia.

莉迪亚右手摇晃着手里的一杯酒。Lydia cradled a glass of wine in her right hand.

撒狄是古代吕底亚帝国的首都。Sardis was the capital of the ancient kingdom of Lydia.

大家晚上好,欢迎收听小鬼当家。Good evening, everyone. I'm Lydia. Welcome to Kids Club.

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利迪娅想,她是有教养的女性中的一个范例。She was a good example of a genteel woman, Lydia thought.

莉蒂雅总是穿着性感迷你裙和高跟鞋来上班。Lydia always comes to work in a—mini-skirt and high heels.

妈妈和丽迪雅乘着马车到麦里屯去了。Mrs. Bennet and Lydia are going in the carriage to Meryton.

瑞吉纳国王的莉迪亚正在跟一个新的、积极上进的搭档磨合。Regina King's Lydia is dealing with an aggressive new partner.

莉迪和艾斯亚也是这样进行她们的第一次雇员面试。Thus do Lydia and Acey conduct their first employee interview.

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坠楼的莉迪亚昏迷不醒,她被格雷森夫妇视为一颗定时炸弹。Fall of Lydia in a coma, she was Grayson couples as a time bomb.

甚至威克姆在最后也做了可敬白勺事,娶了丽迪雅。Even Wickham ends up doing the honorable thing and marrying Lydia.

这次要是不让丽迪雅到白利屯去,我们在浪搏恩就休想安静。We shall have no peace at Longbourn if Lydia does not go to Brighton.