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门突然大开。The door was thrown open.

他从一辆出租车上被甩了出去。He was thrown from a taxi.

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她的谨慎只是枉费心机。Her caution was thrown away.

她被马摔了下来。She was thrown by the horse.

你已经把计划打乱了。You have thrown the plan out.

我们的船撞到了暗礁上。Our ship was thrown on a reef.

他们已经否决了这项动议。They have thrown out the motion.

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这河堤是匆匆筑成的。An embankment has been thrown up.

人们还可以向新娘投掷硬币。Small coins mey be thrown at her.

你要是抓住我的胳膊,我们都会被摔出去的!We shall be thrown out if you do!

他把铅笔头扔了。He has thrown away the pencil stub.

在这种情况下,引发一个异常。In this case, an exception is thrown.

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这将是浪费时间和金钱。It will be time and money thrown away.

曾经菂所囿苦恼、兜抛到脑后。Once all the anguish, Are thrown back.

把水浇到火上,火就发出嘶嘶声。A fire hisses if water is thrown on it.

现在,挑战书已经抛出。And so the gauntlet is now thrown down.

不可用手丢掷硬物。Hard objects may not be thrown by hand.

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而美国可以后仰陷入衰退。S. could be thrown back into recession.

我已经把自己所有的幻想都丢进潦攀垃圾桶。I had thrown all my dreams in the trash.

犯法者都会被送进监狱。Law breakers will be thrown into prison.