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这种色拉调料的柠檬味太重。The salad dressing was too lemony.

此酒呈带柠檬色泽的淡金黄色。The wine is a light golden yellow with lemony lights.

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它味道非常好闻,柠檬的清新气味我非常喜欢,洗完后皮肤有着淡淡的清新气味。I love the lemony citrus scent and I feel so clean after washing with it.

有着石果和柠檬的清新的香气。Fresh and vibrant with stone fruit and lemony aromatic expressions on the nose.

具有桃子、柑橘、柠檬等热带水果香气,回味悠长而愉快。Its lemony acidity makes it fresh and crispy. Has a long and pleasant aftertaste.

它很快就吸收了,而且一点都不会粘糊糊的。它有一股柠檬的味道我很喜欢。It soaks in quickly so I don't feel greasy, and it has a subtle lemony smell that I just love.

你也可以在洗衣时也加入一杯柠檬汁,这样可以去除你洁白衣物上的污物,并留下柠檬的清新气味。Add a cup of lemon juice to your wash cycle and gently remove stains from whites while leaving a fresh lemony scent.

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迈向朗松的黑烟,柠檬色的香槟玫瑰,其强有力的味觉使它成为良好的食物和开胃酒,在混合预售种取得很好的销量。Step forward Lanson's smoky, lemony Brut Rosé, whose punchy palate makes it a good food and apéritif wine and much improved on the previous blend sold here.

迈向朗松的黑烟,柠檬色的香槟玫瑰,其强有力的味觉使它成为良好的食物和开胃酒,在混合预售种取得很好的销量。Step forward Lanson 's smoky, lemony Brut Rosé, whose punchy palate makes it a good food and apéritif wine and much improved on the previous blend sold here.

柠檬油使用在护发产品中能赋予头发光泽,其香甜,果香般清新干净和柠檬清香的特性也赋予它额外的价值。Lemon oil imparts shine to the hair when added to hair products, and is also valued for its characteristic sweet, fruity refreshingly clean, lemony fragrance.

此款酒呈金黄色带有柠檬色调,具有悦人的香气,菠萝、芒果、香草、咖啡、杏花以及核果香气饱含其中。Golden yellow with lemony reflections. This wine has an interesting nose with hints of pineapple, mango, vanilla, coffee, almond tree flowers and stone fruits.

形容这种麦芽酒拥有“水果的特有味道,而且有一丝柠檬的甘甜”,这是一种“复杂而且完美无缺的口味”。Celebrator Beer News described the ale as having a "complex and well-developed taste profile" with "fruity flavor characteristics and just a touch of lemony sweetness.

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形容这种麦芽酒拥有“水果的特有味道,而且有一丝柠檬的甘甜”,这是一种“复杂而且完美无缺的口味”。Celebrator Beer News described the ale as having a "complex and well-developed taste profile" with " fruity flavor characteristics and just a touch of lemony sweetness.