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我们目前过着乡村隐居生活。We are now in rural seclusion.

我想我是处于某种隐遁的状态。I guess it's seclusion in some form.

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隔离室可能被组合在一起。Seclusion rooms may be grouped together.

这位大名鼎鼎的演员现在深居简出了。The famous actor now lives in seclusion.

在隔离室的门应外开。The seclusion room door shall swing out.

总有一种归隐母体的莫名冲动。Seclusion of a mother's inexplicable impulse.

传说中他是个世外高人,已经遁迹山林好多年了。It is said that he had lived in seclusion for many years.

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她喜欢在自己僻静的花园里晒日光浴。She liked to sunbathe in the seclusion of her own garden.

她在大多数时候深居简出,包在纱布里或闭门独处。She's invisible much of the time, bandaged or in seclusion.

面对昏庸的君主,黑暗的社会,他选择了隐居。The face of fatuous monarch, dark society, he chose seclusion.

陪审团在隔离的评议室里作出裁定。The jury arrives at its verdict in the seclusion of the jury room.

它和兰花一样,象征着隐逸的美。Like the orchid flower, it typifies the idea of charm in seclusion.

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肯尼科特慢慢地开始懂得,她是有意要回避他。Kennicott slowly understood that she meant to keep up her seclusion.

艾米莉的诗表达了她的孤独和与世隔离的情感。Emily wrote poems that expressed feelings of loneliness or seclusion.

后来开始隐居过着与世无争的平静生活。Then began a quiet life of seclusion stand aloof from worldly success.

她带着深情的泪水离开了诺克塔利脱的僻静之乡。She left the seclusion of Knocktarlitie with tears of sincere affection.

侵扰隐居最常发生在搜集新闻的过程中。Intrusion on seclusion most commonly arises in the context of news gathering.

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回廊一带依然保留有几分当年的幽静出世之慨。The cloisters still retain something of the quiet and seclusion of former days.

与心爱的人遁隐山林一直是他最大的愿望。To live in seclusion with his lover in the mountain forest is his biggest wish.

隐士逃遁离开这个世界而居住于偏僻之地且常常是独处的人。A person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and often in solitude.