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我基本上已经毫无感觉了。I basically had nada left.

基本上讲你就是个刺头。You are basically a prick.

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而荷兰人基本都无动于衷They basically didn't care.

寿司其实就是生鱼。Sushi is basically raw fish.

就解决问题了That basically fixed things.

可以说基本上就是个监狱This is a prison, basically.

HT基本上是自动的。The HT is basically automatic.

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莫迪,基本上我们必须要做的是…Well, Morty, basically what we.

基本上是个狗屎。You are basically chicken-shit.

基本上不会出现侥幸的情况。You were basically out of luck.

基本上,这是个施工重地。It's a building site, basically.

这差不多就是本学期的内容。So that's basically the semester.

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情况基本上是健康的。The situation is basically sound.

人的本性是善良的,有分寸的。People are basically good, decent.

双鱼座的人基本上都讨人喜欢。Pisceans are basically well-liked.

从根本上说,还是源于家庭。Well, basically it starts at home.

我传授的基本就是这些。And that's what I teach, basically.

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恩,基本上你就没辙了。Well, you're basically out of luck.

你基本上是把它倾倒到这儿。And you basically dump it into here.

我主要是付出了比当时的现任议员更艰苦的努力。I basically outworked the incumbents.