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这幅画看下去多美啊!How scenic this picture looks!

我喜欢看美的风景点。I love beautiful scenic spots.

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这里就是沿江景观带。This is the Riverside Scenic Belt.

其北有风景优美的比都库湖。Its scenic north than the lake are.

文史馆在成山头风景区内。Wen Shiguan in Chengshan Scenic Area.

二是跨海大桥景区。Second, cross-ocean bridge scenic area.

给六个生病的观光客住的小屋。Shelter for six sick scenic sightseers.

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南京中山陵,国父孙中山先生的安息之地…Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum Scenic Spot.

今天我们来到汪胡风景区。The Wanghu Scenic Area, where we are now.

武汉的风景点很多。There are a lot of scenic spots in Wuhan.

我们参观了这座城市的一些风景区。We visited some of the citys scenic spots.

桂林风景的特点是“山青、水秀、石美、洞奇”。What scenic spots are there for us to see?

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你可以给我们推荐一些景点吗?Could you recommend some scenic spots to us?

荆州的风景点很多。There are a lot of scenic spots in Jingzhou.

天柱山景区是天然氧吧。Tienchu scenic area is oxygen bar in nature.

我们现在是在美丽的唐布拉大草原。We are now on the scenic Tangbula Grassland.

这里著名的风景点在哪儿?Where are the most famous scenic spots here?

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一些景区可能会卖当地的特产。Also, some scenic spots may sell local foods.

让我们沿着海岸,走一条风景秀丽的路。Let's take the scenic route, along the coast.

神农架是全国著名的风景名胜。Shennongjia is a famous national scenic spot.