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杀死动物只是一个开始。Killing is just the kickoff.

事情一开始就大获成功。The kickoff was a total success.

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我们今天上午开了个项目开始的会议。We had a project kickoff meeting this morning.

两队的队长在开球之前互相客套了一番。The team captains exchanged civilities before the kickoff.

采用单自由度模型研究了爆炸冲击振动下人体抛离问题。SDOF model is applied to analyze the body kickoff under blast shock vibration.

开球前所有球员必须待在本方半场。All players must be on their own half of the field before the kickoff takes place.

循环装置能为井控或启动目的进行流体循环。Circulation devices enable the circulation of fluids for well control or kickoff purposes.

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作业完井的一个辅助工具,循环阀用于在压井或启动时循环流体。As a completion accessory, a circulation valve is included to circulate fluid for well kill or kickoff.

巴利正在前场跑著去掩护一个开球,而队友被撞倒和滚向巴利的腿中间。Parry was running downfield , covering a kickoff when a teammate was knocked down and rolled into Parry's leg.

上周,在密尔沃基艺术博物馆“中国夏日”展开幕式上的一场舞龙表演。A dragon dance is performed at the kickoff the Milwaukee Art Museum's "Summer of China" exhibition series Wednesday.

感恩节后的黑色星期五拉开了重要的美国假期消费高峰序幕,零售商纷纷大打折扣以吸引消费者.Black Friday traditionally marks the kickoff to the key holiday shopping season as retailers slash prices to lure consumers.

计划的第一步,是将男、女童军和消防处的公众联络小组成员训练成为消防安全大使。To kickoff the scheme boy scouts girl guides and members of the department's public liaison group were trained as fire safety ambassadors.

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项目团队必须在项目的启动会议上决定是否必须对施工活动进行正式的工作场所风险评估。The project team must decide at the kickoff of a project if a formal workplace risk assessment of construction activities must be performed.

这名教头之后用了一个很特别的说法,他准备在联赛开始前的八月底真正成型他的阵型。The manager, then, may give an unusual line-up a run-out as he prepares to finalise his tactics before the big league kickoff later this month.

本实用新型涉及一种脱离导线绝缘层的同时拧紧导电体的导线拧脱装置。The utility model relates to a conductor kickoff mechanism which can break away from a conductor insulating layer and screw down an electric conductor.

几乎没有人担心圣徒队的长远未来,尤其是他们在2006赛季尚未开始就卖光了所有的季票。Few were concerned about the long-term future of the Saints, particularly after they had sold out their entire 2006 home schedule before that season's opening kickoff.

不久前,我记得我要开展一场要求公司各个部门都参与并协作的,一个备受瞩目项目的会议。Some time ago, I remember going to a kickoff meeting for a very high profile project that required different departments in the company to cooperate and work together.

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该项目的启动,可以带动四平市辖的县、市、区、乃至附近省市的草食动物新型产业化合作模式的发展。The kickoff of the project can drive the county, city and areas of Siping City as well as nearby province's vegetarian animal new industrialization pattern of development.

乌拉圭还没有确定他们在本次大赛中的目标,但是韩国教练许丁茂没有被伊丽莎白港的纳尔逊曼德拉湾球场的球赛吓倒。Uruguay are yet to concede a goal at the tournament, but Korean coach Huh Jung-moo was not intimidated ahead of the kickoff in Port Elizabeth's Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium.

"总统就职委员会"于本周一称,就职仪式启动庆典将于本周日在林肯纪念堂举行,届时来自演艺界的众多明星如波诺、布鲁斯·斯布林顿和史迪威·万德等将登台献唱。Bono, Bruce Springsteen and Stevie Wonder are among the stars who will sing at an inauguration kickoff at the Lincoln Memorial, the Presidential Inaugural Committee said on Monday.