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但你为什么突然想减少盐的摄取量?But why your sudden interest in lessening your salt intake?

日子一周周过去,小猫的悲哀似乎也渐渐减轻。The weeks went by and the cat 's sorrow seemed to be lessening.

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它是一种根深蒂固的破碎机和比例减少,使立方米是非常高的。Its a rooted crusher and the proportion of lessening and making cubic is very high.

通过减少人们的选择权、利益和参与,陈腐的制度让这一倾向更加恶化。Sedimented institutions worsen the bias by lessening choice, interest, and participation.

我猜想关于这国家,的论证强度没有减少。I gather there seems to be no lessening of the intensity of argumentation in this country.

通胀的减轻有助于为缓和中国的政策立场铺平道路。A lessening of inflation would help pave the way for a relaxation of China’s policy stance.

我认为,有关这种特殊关系减弱的提法多少是被误导了。I think this notion that somehow there is any lessening of that special relationship is misguided.

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涂先生说“在日本核电事故后,这一目标也许会降到600亿或700亿瓦核电容量,减少核电容量是件好事。“That may drop to 60 or 70 gigawatts now, after Japan, and any lessening is a good thing,” Mr. Tu said.

这样可以减少对单词“检查”可能带来的工作的恐惧,而不会降低其重要性。This lessens the intimidation that the word "review" seems to bring out, without lessening its importance.

减少你对于他人认可的重视是你需要放弃正面或是负面的看法。The thing about lessening your need for approval is that you have give up both positive and negative approval.

在余华看来,精神胜利法似乎具有消解一切苦难的赎救作用,支起人类的生存欲望。From his point of view, this method seems to function a way of lessening pains and supporting the hope of survival.

消除钢板冷弯开裂的主要措施是提高钢水的纯净度以减少其内部夹杂物。The main instrument of reducing cold bending crack of Q235 is purifying the molten steel and lessening the inclusion.

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大的变化,未来流媒体的娱乐和购物,减轻航空公司提供椅背电视的相关性。The big change coming is streaming entertainment and shopping, lessening the relevance of airline provided seatback TVs.

在丁基橡胶中,氧化锌粉分散不均匀将极大降低制品如硫化胶囊的使用寿命。In Butyl rubber, zinc oxide powder disperses extremely large lessening products unevenly if vulcanization capsule life time.

使用薄型金刚石圆锯片的意义在于减小切缝宽度,从而降低石材资源浪费。The significance of using thin type circular diamond sawblade is to reduce cutting width, thus lessening stone resources waste.

但要是时间足够充裕,压力也就相对减少,同学们找到这两种目标的速度也就基本一致了。But when the students were given extra time, lessening the pressure, they were more able to find both targets almost as quickly.

水辅注射能够在不苛责模具型腔表面质地的前提下稳定保压消除塌陷和翘曲。WIT's ability to pack out a part consistently can reduce sinks and warpage while lessening the degree of mold texturing required.

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目前的趋势是备案更公开,更易于获取,因此简化了程序,人们对花费高昂的律师的需求也减少了。It's all been made easier by the trend to make records more open and easily accessible, lessening the need for high-priced lawyers.

大型,高效率的可操作的窗户玻璃提供跨通风降温,减轻家里的空气调节系统的需要。Large, operable windows of high-efficiency glass provide cross-ventilation cooling, lessening the house's need for air-conditioning.

为了达到这个目的,中国很可能增加进口,这样不仅可以减少贸易摩擦,还能平衡与美国和其他贸易伙伴之间的贸易。In doing so, China is likely to import more, lessening friction and global imbalances with the United States and other trade partners.