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拔火罐是怎么回事?What’s cupping?

我很想很想拔火罐。I am dying for a cupping treatment.

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主营拔罐器系列产品的生产、销售。Main cupping series production and sales.

我低头看着桌面,拿手握住啤酒杯。I looked at the table, cupping my hand around my beer.

掌握闪火法拔罐的操作。Master the manipulation of flash-fire cupping therapy.

我决定是时候滴答作响拔罐框我的名单上。I decided it was time to tick the cupping box on my list.

拔火罐拔出水泡谁知道怎么治育!!!!紧急。Cupping pulls out knows bleb how to treat Yo! ! ! ! Urgent.

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本文提出了一种新型的“数字火罐”设想。This paper introduces a new-style idea of "Digital Cupping".

本发明涉及一种针灸拔罐器。The invention relates to an acupuncturing and cupping device.

关于针灸和按摩,我略知一二。拔火罐是怎么回事?。I know a little about acupuncture and massage. What's cupping?

与明火拔罐具有同样治疗效果。It has the same therapy effects as the cupping with open fire.

“就把拔罐当成一种反科学的形式吧,”卡特写道。"Think of cupping as the anti-science version, " wrote Carter.

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雷斯呆在那里,一边手仍罩着他健康的右乳,柔软、温暖、沉实。Les hung there, one hand still cupping her healthy right breast.

他两手托腮,目不转睛地望着房子的一角。He sat with cupping his cheeks, watching the conner of the house.

所以,许多疾病都可以采用拔罐疗法进行治疗。Therefore, many diseases can be use cupping therapy for treatment.

从而给出了加杯计算可枚举图灵度的一个非平凡层谱。PC2, so giving a nontrivial hierarchy for the plus cupping degrees.

我给您取针后,还给您拔几个火罐。Id like to give you a cupping treatment when the needles are removed.

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它的形式模仿拔罐的棕榈,这是邀请来的手。Its form mimics the cupping of a palm, which is inviting to the hand.

她有慢性背疼的历史,她曾用拔火罐的方式进行治疗。She had a history of chronic back pain that she treated with cupping.

本文研究计算可枚举图灵度的结构,提出并完成了一个加杯层谱的证明。We study the structure of the plus cupping Turing degrees in this paper.