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有些合同纯属走形式。Some contracts are a mere formality.

他全然不顾一切礼节。He has the greatest disregard for all formality.

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在这些讨论中大家都不拘泥于形式。In these discussions, all formality was set aside.

我真希望我们彼此之间不要太拘谨。I wish we could treat each other without formality.

她修改了函件的措辞,使它更规范一些。She rephrased the letter to give it more formality.

英国的战后礼仪都是罗斯搞怪的好素材。British post-war formality was always useful to him.

我要告诉我的客户,当不走过场起重重量。I think my inspection is just some sort of formality.

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他们之间的关系,有一个特点,就是以礼相待。Formality has always characterized their relationship.

弗爵爷知道对富勒姆的胜利,并非手到擒来。Sir Alex knows victory over Fulham is far from a formality.

拜访王宫的人受到了拘泥形式。Visitors at the court of the king are received with formality.

这三个词语的雅俗程度和在句中的位置有所不同。They differ In degree of formality and position In the sentence.

写下的回答可能因为拘泥于形式而掩盖事实。The preparation of a written response may cloud the truth with formality.

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按照手续,记账购货我们通常是需要担保的。It's just a formality but for hire-purchase we usually require references.

我们依照形式化递增的顺序介绍组织模板。The organization templates are presented in increasing order of formality.

意识形态虚假性表现为掩蔽性、教化性和非批判性。The hypocrisy of ideological formality is hiding and incitement and non-critique.

然而由于种种原因,前置程序往往徒具形式。However, because of various reasons, the preparatory process is often a formality.

你需要在传统意义上的正式和电邮的非正式中找到平衡。You need to strike a balance between traditional formality and e-mail informality.

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你需要在传统意义上的正式和电邮的非正式中找到平衡。You need to strike a balance between traditional formality and e-mail informality.

大学校徽在形式上是象,在内容上是意。The school emblem of university is images in the formality and ideas on the contents.

我非常高兴认识你。叫我南就可以了,我比较随便。Nice to meet you. And would you please just call me Nan?I do not take formality seriously.