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墨鱼,墨鱼汁,番茄,白酒。Baby squib rings, squib ink, tomato, white wine.

北朝的核实验对于市场而言,也不过是一枚哑炮而已。North Korea's nuclear test was a damp squib in market terms.

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这一回,廉价资金带来的巨响,似乎也变成了个小哑炮。Today, the bang from that easy buck also appears to have shrunk to a small squib.

斯奎布无政府联合体由一些社群组成,并由一名无实权的国王统治。The Squib Polyanarchy consists of communities ruled by a single, but distant, king.

看来“哑炮”一词只是用在那些魔法能力十分低的人身上的。It would seem that the term " squib" is used for anyone whose magic powers are noticably lacking.

可是若把这个做为提振股市而弄出的响动的话,就如同独立日过了一周后,点了一个水泡了的爆竹。As a fuel for stocks, that's got about as much bang as a wet squib a week after the Fourth of July.

首相戴维德·卡梅隆说在议会上称这次罢工很失败。In parliament, the Prime Minister David Cameron described the strike as "something of a damp squib".

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他们还建立了不计其数的大公司,比如斯奎布再生公司和斯奎布销售集团。The Squibs have established numerous large corporations, like Squib Reclamation, and Squib Merchandising.

就政治改革而言,董建华上周发表的年度施政报告一如既往,乏善可陈。Tung Chee-hwa's annual policy address last week was the usual damp squib as far as political reform is concerned.

“我不相信,”赫敏说,她也站了起来,“无论那女孩有什么问题,我不认为她是哑炮。"I don't believe it, " said Hermione. She stood up too. "Whatever was wrong with that girl, I don't think she was a Squib.

由于不同的斯奎布人部落互相打交道,他们因此迅速发展出了复杂的易货和贸易文化。Consequently, the Squibs soon developed a complex culture of barter and trade as different Squib tribes dealt with one another.

一场有德国发起的希望在今年早些时候能够有所突破,但最终在三月通过的改革最还是成了一纸空文。German-led initiative set hopes flickering when mooted early this year, but reforms finally agreed in March proved a damp squib.

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从安全性、装配率和作用可靠性三方面对两种电煤管进行了分析,并对B1电爆管进行了作用可靠性评估。The safety performance, assemble rate and function reliability of squibs B1 and B3 are analysed. The function reliability of squib B1 is assessed.

这些斯奎布人常常将一些消息悄悄传到斯奎布再生舰队,提醒这个清道工种族注意帝国的垃圾场,进而对此加以利用。These Squibs would often sneak messages to the Squib Reclamation Fleet, alerting the scavenger species to Imperial dump sites, which the Squibs would then exploit.

另一个有趣的特点是斯奎布人毛发的演变,它们充当味觉和嗅觉感受器。斯奎布人用他或她的毛发触碰或摩擦一下物品,就能对其进行检验。Another interesting evolutionary trait is the Squib fur, which acts as a taste and olfactory receptor, enabling a Squib to examine an object by touching it and rubbing it against his or her fur.

一些迹象显示,投资者最近几日对会议声明已不那麽重视,因全球当局寻求缓解对可能发生"汇率战"的紧张情绪.There are some indications that investors moved to better discount a damp squib statement in recent days as authorities from across the globe sought to diffuse tensions on potential 'currency wars'.