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佳得乐还是水?Gatorade or water?

他吃了点东西,喝了点佳得乐。He's eaten and he drinks some Gatorade.

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把佳得乐还是留在个人存储室吧。Leave the Gatorade for the pro locker room.

嘿,你想要什么样的饮料?佳得乐还是水?Hey, what sort of drinks do you want? Gatorade or water?

标准的20盎司瓶装“给他力”中含130卡路里。A standard 20-oz. bottle of Gatorade contains 130 calories.

只要一汤匙橙色或佳得乐,早上8盎司的水混合的果汁,。Just one tablespoon in the morning mixed with 8 oz of juice, water, or orange Gatorade.

他失去了佳得乐和埃森哲公司的赞助,其他的赞助额也大大缩水。He lost sponsorship deals with Gatorade and Accenture, while other endorsement deals were scaled down.

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而其中前三名将会被佳得乐所挑选,加入全国性的街头篮球训练营。The best three entrants will be chosen by Gatorade to participate in a national streetball training camp.

星期四,在拍摄一支将于明年初播放的佳得乐广告宣传运动的间隙中谈到。He was speaking Thursday between shooting takes of a new Gatorade ad campaign that launches early next year.

这些游戏把加德乐的广告放在游戏中显眼的位置,例如球场、球员的水瓶、比分牌等等。These games featured Gatorade ads plastered on such in-game things as arenas, players' water bottles, and score updates.

桂格公司的佳得乐网上促销活动的参加者回答几个问题即可获赠一件T恤衫。Online participants in Quaker Oats' Gatorade promotion received a free T-shirt in exchange for answering a few questions.

汤姆。福克斯是百事可乐饮料食品公司的佳得乐解渴冲剂品牌的体育和赛事营销高级副总裁。Tom Fox is Senior Vice President of Sports & Event Marketing for Gatorade Thirst Quencher, a division of PepsiCo Beverages & Foods.

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很多人以为体重在很大程度上是意志力的问题——从进行运动和不吃小松饼、不喝“给他力”中,我们就能了解到这一点。Many people assume that weight is mostly a matter of willpower — that we can learn both to exercise and to avoid muffins and Gatorade.

你认为就因为穿了乔丹空气鞋所以就能篮球打得像迈克乔丹一样好吗或是只因为喝了Gatorade就能变成他吗?Do you think you can play basketball like Michael Jordan just because you wear Air Jordan or be like him just because you drink Gatorade?

人们在一次30分钟的锻炼过程中“仅仅消耗了200到300卡路里”,Melanson指出,“而这些能量你喝一瓶佳得乐就补回来了。”People “are only burning 200 or 300 calories” in a typical 30-minute exercise session, Melanson points out. “You replace that with one bottle of Gatorade.”

在汤姆1999年4月加盟佳得乐品牌之前,汤姆担任了位于俄勒冈州比华顿的耐克公司美国运动市场经理一职。Prior to Tom re-joining the Gatorade brand in April of 1999, Tom most recently held the title of U. S. Sports Marketing Director for Nike, Inc. in Beaverton, Ore.

在电视广告以及病毒式视频中,选手们将数次利用源自三十六计的计谋,来跨越他们面对的阻碍,也将依靠饮用佳得乐来补充他们所失去的力量和水份。In the TVC and viral video, the players use several tricks from The 36 Stratagems to get past their opposition, aided by the refreshing and replenishing power of Gatorade.

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纯净水是首选,一些佳得乐之类的饮料也能帮你重新精力充沛,而且你的肌肉也不用吸取体内的水分储备了。Water is the top choice, naturally, but other drinks like Gatorade will help get your system jump-started again and your muscles won’t have to siphon off your liquid reserve.

老虎伍兹在早先失去了与AT&T,埃森哲,佳得乐和豪雅表代言权时候,将不再代表吉列,该公司已经宣布合约有效期截止十二月底。Tiger Woods, who previously lost endorsement deals with AT&T, Accenture, Gatorade and Tag Heuer, will no longer represent Gillette, effective the end of December, the company has announced.

姚明现在代言的中国品牌包括中国联通CDMA和中国人寿保险,也有全球性的品牌包括百事、佳得乐运动饮料、维萨、麦当劳和苹果电脑。Yao Ming currently endorses Chinese brands such as China Unicom CDMA and China Life Insurance, as well as global brands such as Pepsi, Gatorade sports drinks, Visa, McDonald's and Apple computers.