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蒂萨迪的作用是以前报告。Sadiq's role was previously unreported.

屠杀在封闭的社会里秘而不宣。But the slaughter went unreported in that closed society.

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最近,我写了关于未报告卖空在SLV。Recently, I have written about unreported short selling in SLV.

该团体说,没有报告的处决可能使处死的人数更高。The group says that unreported executions may take the toll higher.

因为现金交易没有记录可查,他们可以轻易地进行而不被检举。Since cash transactions are unrecorded, they can easily go unreported.

有三分之二的北大西洋鳕鱼捕获量被认为是没有报告。Two-thirds of North Atlantic cod catches are believed to go unreported.

也被称为非法,未报告和无管制的捕捞活动,或非法,无管制和未报告的问题。The problem is also known as illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, or IUU.

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然而他们的观点在气候的全球报道中通常未被报道。Yet their views generally go unreported in the global coverage of climate change.

无故缺勤和擅自离岗将导致扣发工资和纪律处分。Unreported absence will give rise to salary deduction and disciplinary punishment.

那部分额外的收入可能来自于未报告的工作或者非法行为。That additional income might have come from unreported employment or illegal activities.

公示期为10个工作日,公示期满未被举报的,批准其购买资格。Publicity for 10 working days, publicity on unreported approved its purchase qualifications.

本文共合成87个化合物,其中69个未见报道,包括38个目的化合物。Totally 87 compounds were synthesized, 69 of which are unreported including 38 target molecules.

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毫无疑问,肯定还有无数的脸部灼伤和变形的例子没有被报道。No doubt there are countless other examples of burnt or badly disfigured faces that go unreported.

在中国似乎存在一个巨大的“灰色经济”体,即它是由灰色或隐瞒收入所推动的。China appears to have a huge "grey" economy, meaning that it is fueled by grey or unreported income.

科学家们说,集体暴毙野生动物经常权衡的发生,而且通常不相关的和未报告的。Scientists say mass die-offs of wildlife happen regularly, and are usually unrelated and unreported.

还有一种则是不报或少报所捕鱼的种类和数量。Another form of piracy is when species of caught fish and catch weights go unreported or underreported.

在2005年国民经济核算被修整之前,中国的GDP没能体现众多未报道的服务业内容。Before the national accounts were overhauled in 2005, China's GDP failed to reflect many unreported services.

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索尔达托夫说,在北高加索地区日常的大部分杀戮事件都没有得到俄罗斯位于莫斯科的媒体的报导。Soldatov said that the daily killings in the North Caucasus go largely unreported in Russia’s Moscow-based media.

曾有几则狗以家庭成员为食的新闻,还有一些案件未被新闻社报道。There have been several news stories of dogs scavenging family members, and other cases go unreported in the press.

尽管一些案例最终能够诉之于法,但大多数时候,这类事件未被报道也无进一步的行动。Although a few cases have managed to make it to the courtroom, most of the time they're unreported or not followed up.