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我们必须齐心合力,斩断他的魔爪。We must take concerted action and cut his claws.

大埔区内各团体群策群力推广职业安全信息。Organizations gave concerted effort in promoting OSH message.

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明确安全责任,实现齐抓共管。Clear responsibility for security, and make concerted efforts.

只有我们双方协调的努力才能让火种常久不熄。Only a concerted effort by both of us had kept the fire alive.

亚胺基杂环丙烷季铵盐的阳离子,一定是按协同反应的方式开环的。The aziridinium ions must all be opened by a concerted process.

中国强盛日日盼,众志成城必实现。China's prosperity day hope, concerted efforts must be achieved.

约束方程和理想约束协调一致。The equations of constraint are concerted with ideal constraints.

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只有付之以决心与协同努力,人性才会进步。Humanity can only make progress by determination and concerted effort.

鼓,最能激励创新奋进与同心同德。Drums, the most progressive and concerted efforts will inspire innovation.

只有坚定信心,携手努力,我们才能共同渡过难关。Only with strong confidence and concerted efforts can we weather the crisis.

网络间谍一贯的目标是窃取各种高价值的技术。Cyber espionage is a concerted effort to steal all types of high-value technologies.

感谢志工的关怀,诺哈雅蒂的家,现在载著满满的爱。Thanks to volunteers' concerted effort, Norhayati's house is now brimming with love.

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研究结果表明,1,3-偶极环加成反应是以协同反应机理进行的。The studies indicate that 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions are concerted reactions.

展望未来,我们认识到决定性和协调一致的行动势在必行。As we look to the future, we recognize the imperative for decisive and concerted action.

要取得实效,就必须多轨并行、齐力推进。Concerted efforts must be made on different tracks in order to achieve tangible results.

更像是协力合作来把中国描绘成“土霸”的形象。More like a concerted effort to paint an image of China as the 'bully' that it really is.

我相信,在各方共同努力下,此次访问一定能取得圆满成功。I believe with concerted efforts of all parties this visit will surely be a great success.

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我们研究许很多适当的方法来达到有效执行经理决策的目标。We concerted on the most proper methods for speedily executing the manager's instructions.

各方必须通力合作,改善语文教学和学习方法。Concerted efforts must be made to further improve the teaching and learning of the language.

杨洁篪表示,在双方共同努力下,近年来中爱关系取得了长足发展。Yang said China-Ireland relations had made headway thanks to concerted effort by both sides.