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我正在努力成为这个地方的市长——城里最好的松脆的印尼豆豉色拉加大白萝卜。I’m trying to become mayor of this place—best crunchy tempeh salad with daikon in town.

素食者们以后将会认可豆豉,这是一种经常用来代替肉类的发酵豆粕。Vegetarians will recognize tempeh , a fermented soybean cake that is often used in place of meat.

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大豆食品像豆腐、豆豉和强化豆奶在这方面有双重功能,因为它们可同时提供钙和蛋白。Soy products like tofu, tempeh and fortified soymilk do double duty in this regard since they provide both calcium and protein.

豆奶仅仅是大豆浸泡在水中,然后压榨成乳状的液体而已,丹贝实际上是大豆发酵而成。Soymilk is basically whole soy beans soaked in water and squeezed to produce a milky liquid, and tempeh is actual soybeans fermented.

如何吃这种万能的食物决定于我们—单独烹煮,在色拉里添加,或炒成一碟小食,或做成豆腐,豆豉,豆奶。How you eat this versatile food is up to you — cooked and mixed in salads or casseroles, roasted for snacks, or in tofu, tempeh or soy milk.

你吃多少这样万能的食品全都取决于你自己——烹调然后混合作为色拉或者炒菜、烘烤作为小吃,又或者用于豆腐和豆豉,又或者豆奶。How you eat this versatile food is up to you — cooked and mixed in salads or casseroles, roasted for snacks, or in tofu, tempeh or soy milk.

豆豉表现的耐缺氧功能可能是多种功能因子综合作用的结果,其中所含的功能成分有待进一步研究。Hypoxia-tolerant effect of tempeh may be the results of many function factors , and the effective components were expected to be researched in detail.

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它可以包括在健康的膳食中——和其它那些我在上文中提到的真正食物一起食用,豆腐、豆奶、全大豆、丹贝都对人体有益。It can be included in a healthy diet — tofu, some soy milk, whole soy beans, tempeh can all be good for you if you mix them in with the other real foods I mentioned above.

目前开发的产品有八宝辣酱、八珍辣酱、椒香凤尾鱼、椒香小黑豆豆豉、鲜脆剁椒、开胃辣椒叶、XO辣酱、韩国QQ辣酱等20多个品种。Currently we have Babao sauce, South Korea QQ, anchovies sauce, tempeh small black bean sauce, fresh crisp Duojiao, appetizers pepper leaf, XO sauce and so on, over 20 varieties.

豆制品一旦上了健康食品店的货架,豆制品例如豆腐和大豆发酵产品就成为主流食品,主要是因为它们一直以来表明有一些心血管的益处。Soy products. Once relegated to the shelves of health-food stores, soy products such as tofu and tempeh have reached the mainstream largely because they've been shown to have cardiovascular benefits.

本文研究了乳酸在营养肉汤培养基对蜡样芽胞杆菌的抑制,以及前期乳酸浸泡大豆后对蜡样芽胞杆菌在天培中生长情况的影响。The inhibition effects of lactic acid on the growth of Bacillus cereus in nutrient broth was studied, and also the influence of acidified soak water with lactic acid before the fermentation of tempeh.