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印度是尽管有政府仍然发展。India grows, inspite of our govt.

政府采购普通公务车屏蔽合资车。Govt to exclude JV cars from purchase.

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政府应该禁止17-45岁的人使用汽车。Govt should ban cars for people between 17-45.

泰国政府预逮捕红衫军领导人。Thai govt to seek arrest of red-shirts' leaders.

这些消息就是浮云,我们需要的是政府的行动。We dont want info. we want action from the govt.

我们的政府选择了外交。Our govt. choose DIPLOMACY ahead of anything else.

中国是在政府的帮助和支持下发展的。China grows with the help and support of their govt.

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如果燃油税收低了,那么政府害怕火车会空跑。If taxes are low then govt fears that trains may go empty.

日本政府证实福岛核能发电厂辐射线已外漏!Japan govt confirms radiation leak at Fukushima nuclear plants.

政府在故作姿态,为什么就不对中国人采取措施?Posturing by the govt. . Why are steps not taken with the Chinese?

中国拥有的美国债券就有大约3万亿美元!China's ownership of US govt. bonds alone is about 3 trillion USD !

与此同时我们都在质疑中国政府,它到底想要在此类事情上走多远?Meanwhile we’re all in debt to the Chinese govt. Where does it end?

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但在通常情况中中国政府不愿意承担责任。But often the Chinese govt shies away from just such responsibility.

在印度,每个人都知道政府机构是如何招聘的。Everybody in India knows how the recruitments in govt offices are done.

打扫打扫,多种树,德里会打败西方城市的。Clean all Govt land and plant trees then Delhi will beat Western cities.

我希望你不要重复那些你的国家告诉你的那些垃圾。I hope your not repeating the same crap your commie govt is telling you.

真是羞愧,印度政府根本没办法支持他们自己的工业。It shame that Indian Govt. is doing nothing to support its own industry.

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更重要的是,政府没有为微观层面行业做任何事。Moreover govt is doing nothing for the growth of micro level industries.

为什么不试验下中国式的政府?中国不会这样啊!Why not experiment with China type of Govt. China doesn't sob like this !

我希望赞助商和印度政府把这支球队打造成世界级的球队。But I wish, our sponsors and govt. should build this team into world class.