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计时员由劳力士。Timekeeper by Rolex.

这钟是一个很好的定时器。This clock is a good timekeeper.

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这个表计时相当精确。The watch is an excellent timekeeper.

她将在田径比赛中担任计时员。She is going to be a timekeeper at the track meet.

工厂计时员记录工时。The factory timekeeper keeps account of the hours of work done.

开始一次会议之前,首先要选择一个会议主持人,一个记录人和一个计时人员。Start the meeting by choosing a facilitator, a recorder, and a timekeeper.

作为十二宫的时间使者,火星的角色不同于其他所有的星球。As the timekeeper of the zodiac, Mars' role is different from all the other planets.

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有了指南针和时区定位,探险家和游人不再迷路。Explorers and tourists find their directions with the aids of compass and timekeeper.

家用电器,日用品,钟表电子产品手板制作。Production of CNC Sample for home appliance, commodity, timekeeper and electronic product.

该品牌成为钻石联赛第二个赛季的所有赛事的官方计时钟表。The brand serves as Official Timekeeper for the Diamond League at all of the events in this, its second season.

为了方便对巡更记录的实时跟踪,系统采用了具有时间基准功能的时钟芯片。The patrol device is light and convenience. A serial timekeeper chip is used to keep the real time information.

请一位志愿当会议计时员——让他/她负责提醒你每项议程的时间限制。Ask for a volunteer to be a timekeeper for your meetings—make it his or her job to remind you of agenda item time limits.

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大脑内部管理我们什么时候休息,什么时候起床的生物钟,女性的节奏要比男性的快一些。That is, the biological timekeeper deep in the brain that governs when we sleep and when we wake runs at a faster pace in women.

计时长可要求计时员计取100米以上距离项目的分段成绩。Timekeepers may be instructed by the chief timekeeper to record times at intermediate distances in races longer than 100 metres.

创造新纪录的最精确时钟可以迅速列举出宇宙寿命的137亿年中,发生在4秒钟之内的事情。The new record-holder for the most precise timekeeper could tick off the 13.7-billion-year age of the universe to within 4 seconds.

此伺服机械钟由原存放于福来姆司地得大厅内的标准记时器发出的电脉冲驱动。This is a sympathetic or slave mechanism driven by electrical impulses from the master timekeeper originally located in Flamsteed House.

20世纪初,经过相关部门重重检测,飞亚达从众多腕表品牌中脱颖而出,成为中国航天事业合作夥伴。Fiyta became the official timekeeper for China's aeronautical exploits in the 20th Century despite intense competition from numerous wristwatch brands.

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欧米茄不仅是北京奥运会的官方计时商,还是菲尔普斯的合作赞助商之一,这似乎是一个充满利益冲突的安排。Omega is not only the official timekeeper of the Beijing Games. It is also one of Phelps’s corporate sponsors, an arrangement that appears to be a conflict of interest.

裁判是比赛的官方计时员,在由于换人、伤病治疗或其他原因停止造成时间损失时,可以对比赛时间进行补加。The referee is the official timekeeper for the match, and may make an allowance for time lost through substitutions, injured players requiring attention, or other stoppages.

火星,所谓的十二宫计时员,正通过两年以来第一次光临你执掌名望和荣誉的宫位来敲响锣鼓,以便把注意力放在事业进展上。Mars, the so-called timekeeper of the zodiac, has sounded the gong to pay attention to career progress by making his first visit to your house of fame and honors in two years.