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从伦敦的畜舍内吃已成为冻状的鳗鱼。Eat jellied eels from a stall in London.

滑溜溜的鳗鱼和多恩红酒消磨了午后时光。Jellied eels and Dornish reds filled their afternoon.

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解决方法就是制造小罐装的汤冻。The solution was to create little pots of jellied bouillon.

他早晨喜欢吃一碗豆腐脑儿。He loves having jellied bean curd in the morning for breakfast.

送你一碗豆腐花吃完之后笑哈哈。After deliveringyou bowl of jellied bean curd to finish eating, laughed.

送你一碗豆腐花吃完之先笑嘻嘻。三八节快活。After delivering you bowl of jellied bean curd to finish eating, laughed.

我们可以吃熏肉鸡蛋或酥炸鲜鱿,还有馄饨或煎饼果子。We could have bacon and eggs or fried squid, wonton soup or jellied bean curd.

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现在让我们来学习如何做冰冻碎鸡肉片。首先就是要把鸡皮去掉。And now let's cook jellied minced chicken meat. At first remove the skin from a chicken.

送你一碗豆腐花吃完之后笑哈哈。After delivering you bowl of jellied bean curd to finish eating, laughed. March Eighth joyful

根据白宫公布的菜单,其中包括烤火鸡、酸莓糕、平锅玉米面包、黄油土豆泥、以及南瓜派等。The menu also included jellied cranberry molds, whipped sweet potato souffle and pumpkin mousse trifle.

今天我们会教大家如何煮好豌豆汤,冰冻碎鸡肉和葡萄干豆腐饼。Today you will learn how to cook a pea soup, jellied minced chicken meat, and a curd biscuit with raisins.

姜味巧克力汤,白帕伐罗司及黑巧克力佐以香草酥,红酒煨莓子配芝士蛋糕冻。Bavarois of dark and white chocolate, roast pear and vanilla crumble, jellied red wine berries and cheesecake brulee.

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鳝鱼冻是煮了大概半个小时的鳝鱼,摊凉,汤就会凝固起来变成冻。Jellied eels are eels cooked for approximately half an hour and allowed to cool. The juices then solidify forming the jelly.

对于“礼物转送”行为,说它俗气也好,无礼也罢,甚至说不花心思也行,但这种行为已经像每年都要送果冻一样成了人们的惯例。Call it tacky, rude, maybe even thoughtless, but "regifting" is about as ritualistic as giving away that lump of jellied fruit every year.

你可以携带派或蛋糕,但酸梅酱、果酱、卤肉和其他液体的或凝胶状食物还是要遵从3.4盎司的限制的。You can bring through pies and cakes, though cranberry sauce, jams, gravy, and other liquid or jellied foods are restricted to 3.4 ounces.

用来作模制甜点、肉冻、羹汤、糖果,也用于稳定乳浊液和泡沫食品如冰淇淋、棉花糖。It is used to make such foods as molded desserts, jellied meats, soups, candies, and aspics and to stabilize such emulsion and foam food products as ice cream and marshmallows.

素制豆制品、豆腐在常温下存放不宜超过两小时,如果发现变质,请立即停用。Take care when drinking hot soybean milk and jellied bean curd because they are very hot and their storage time shall not be over 2 hours in well-ventilated and fresh-keeping state.

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当时,普京正和大家讨论如何振兴本地食品业,他的黑色拉布拉多犬科尼悄悄潜入其官邸的一个房间,偷吃了一些糕点、饼干和果冻。While Putin discussed ways to help the local food industry, his black Labrador Koni slinked into a room at his residence and tucked into some pastries, biscuits and jellied desserts.

这种情况下,建议早餐可以吃容易下口的食物,比如牛奶加面包,或者包子加豆腐脑,五分钟解决战斗。On this condition, it is recommended that have something easy to swallow for breakfast, for example, milk and bread, or steamed stuffed bun and Jellied Tofu, you can finish it in five minutes.

在确定了方便豆腐花粉基本工艺条件的基础上,重点对影响其品质的凝固剂、稳定剂、凝固温度和凝固时间进行了实验研究,通过正交试验确定了其最佳凝固条件。Based on the primary processing technology of a new kind convenient jellied soybean curd powder, four factors influen its quality, coagulant, stabilizer, coagulation temperature and time were studied.