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然后我开车走了。Then I drove on.

我们的车开进去了。Our car drove in.

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他们把钉子钉下。They drove nails.

他两次跑垒得分。He drove in two runs.

他使劲地赶牛。He drove the ox hard.

他快速驾车驶离。He drove away rapidly.

他把钉子钉了进去。He drove the nails in.

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家庭教师驾驶着一辆车子。The tutor drove a car.

他们把牛赶进牛棚。They drove the cows in.

他们大笑着驶开了。They drove off laughing.

骂完,他们开车走了。And then they drove away.

我开车去东奥斯丁。I drove into East Austin.

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他驾一辆上海牌轿车来了。He drove up in a Shanghai.

饥饿驱使他去偏巧。Hunger drove him to steal.

那个小丑开着一架玩具车。The clown drove a toy car.

然后他开车出去了。Then he drove his car out.

他们迫使敌军后退了。They drove the enemy back.

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你驾车向我冲过来。You drove a car toward me.

他开车送我到机场。He drove me to the airport.

他们驾车沿海滨行驶。They drove along the beach.