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他们过去也在斯坦福德。They used to be in Stamford.

斯坦福德队处于领先地位。The Stamford team is in first place.

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这是我们从斯坦福德博物馆搞到的。We got them from the Stamford Museum.

那是斯坦福德最好的餐厅。It's the nicest restaurant in Stamford.

阿伯特。拉金吗?在斯坦福德?这有点怪。Abbott Larkin?In Stamford?That seems odd.

我们很高兴你回到斯坦福德了。We're happy to have you back in Stamford.

过去这在斯坦福德是大产业。This used to be a big business in Stamford.

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你认为纽约和斯坦福德相比如何?How would you compare New York with Stamford?

你好,我是苏珊.韦伯斯特,在斯坦福德海湾为您做现场报道.Hello,I'm Susan Webster at the Stamford Marina.

皮德尼。鲍怎么样了?他们过去也在斯坦福德。What about Pitney Bowes?They used to be in Stamford.

本地新闻,一家新的电影院在斯坦福德开张了。In local news,a new movie theater opened in Stamford.

这是今晨斯坦福德宾馆的一个谜。That's the question at the Stamford Hotel this morning.

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告诉我。马彻里特在斯坦福德还有工厂吗?Tell me. does Machlett still have a factory in Stamford?

1869年耶鲁汤尼锁厂在斯坦福德开工。In 1869 the Yale & Towne lock factory opened in Stamford.

这是康妮。斯威夫特从斯坦福德中学向你报道。This is Connie Swift, reporting from Stamford High School.

耶鲁汤尼公司当年在斯坦福德的工厂里能生产什么?What could Yale & Towne produce at the factory in Stamford?

一年来,斯坦福桥没有任何真正的改变。A year on and nothing has really changed at Stamford Bridge.

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弗兰克•阿内森先后参观了斯坦福桥和科巴姆。Frank Arnesen visits firstly Stamford Bridge and then Cobham.

斯坦福德的工人们过去生产世界上大部分的玻璃管。Stamford workers used to make most of the world's glass tubes.

你知道在斯坦福德哪儿能看到水獭嬉戏吗?Do you know anywhere in Stamford where you can see otters play?