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日莲因此而被逐出寺院。This pronouncement caused him to be banished from his monastery.

在程亚杰的创作里,我们体验了近似超现实主义所散发的神秘感。With Cheng Yajie we are confronted with a certain sense of mystery reminiscent of the Surrealist pronouncement.

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他的追随者们对本·拉登非常敬重,提到他都以“酋长”称呼,并仰赖他的每项决定。His followers treated bin Laden with great deference, referring to him as “the sheik,” and hung on his every pronouncement.

这就是奥雷根宣称今天不可能在跟随伯麦的思想的宣言所暗示的东西——换言之,灵知的生活是接近人类的。That is what is implied by O'Regan's pronouncement that today it is impossible to follow Bohme, i.e., Gnostic life is closed to man.

所以,器官取出的时机只有在宣布脑死与器官坏死的短短这段时间内取出。So, the critical moment for removing the organs is within a very short period between pronouncement of death and necrosis of the organs.

自从医生宣布是晚期癌症后.他们俩便面对不可避免的结局,极力争取共度余下的光阴。Since the doctor's pronouncement of terminal cancer, they had both faced the inevitable, striving to make the most of their remaining time together.

一股巨大的恐惧攫住了他,好像在等待他很早就预测到了,又一直徒劳地期待永不提起的厄运宣布。A great dread fell on him, as if he was awaiting the pronouncement of some doom that he had long foreseen and vainly hoped might after all never be spoken.

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直到1934年4,国际苏联作家会议,发表了类似的声明。That doesn't, by the way, happen until 1934 when it became a kind of pronouncement of necessity at the International Soviet Writers Conference on that occasion.

科斯托罗会发表此声明的原因是某位中国女子因为重新发了一则中国官员不认同的讯息而遭到劳改一年。Costolo's pronouncement is a response to the Chinese woman who has been sentenced to a year in a labor camp for retweeting a message that officials in China disapproved of.

在华盛顿,美国国会众议院能源独立委员会主席、麻萨诸塞州众议员马基似乎对沙特宣布的这一消息并不感兴趣。In Washington, the chairman of the House Select Committee on Energy Independence, Massachusetts Representative Edward Markey, seemed unimpressed by the Saudi pronouncement.

教皇在爱尔兰教区和神学院的声明是自这件事情冲击爱尔兰、德国、奥地利和荷兰以来最实际的一步。The pope's pronouncement on abuse at Irish dioceses and seminaries was the most concrete step taken since a wave of cases hit Ireland, Germany, Austria and the Netherlands.

本周李宁面向跑鞋市场推出的产品,则是李宁试图在美国占有一席之地的重要战略性举措,当然,这种举措更多还是和风细雨般的推进,而非大张旗鼓的进军。Its launch this week into the running-shoe market, an important strategic step for a company trying to gain a foothold here, comes with more of a whisper than a grand pronouncement.

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“祝酒”,我们喝酒后紧随祝福的一句,名字来源被认为是一个涉及公用的酒杯的行为。"Toasting, " our term for the pronouncement of benedictions followed by a swallowing of alcohol, is believed to have taken its name from a practice involving a shared drinking vessel.

民事检察监督与既判力原则的冲突在某方面来说是不可避免的,因为一方强调公正司法,而另一方强调的是裁判的终局效力和诉讼效率。The system of pronouncement of a judgment in court is of great importance to the realization of substantive justice, procedural justice and to the enhancement of efficiency of lawsuit.

威尔逊的正义宣言“实际的人写了太多的协议”,掩盖了他拒绝请求参议院敌人帮助策划和平的真相。Wilson's refusal to ask assistance from his Senatorial enemies in framing the peace is covered in his righteous pronouncement that ‘too many treaties have been written by practical men.

目前,该部长的声明,即在五年内朝鲜对美国西海岸将攻击能力有限的,是否建立在新的情报基础之上,这一点还不清楚。It is unclear whether the secretary's pronouncement that the North will have a limited capability to attack the west coast of the United States in five years is based on new intelligence.

即使是在上星期就学校种族隔离的问题发言中——此前他从未就这个问题发表讲演,他也未对更广层面的民事权利公开发表意见。Until last week's pronouncement on school desegregation, he had not addressed himself directly to the problem at all—and he still has not spoken out on the broader aspects of civil rights.

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我们该讨论的是用这些话去安慰一个孩子是明智还是愚蠢,但把方济各的话当成是非人类生物死后能上天堂的理论支持则是相当愚蠢。One can argue whether saying such a thing to a child is wise or foolish, but to take Francis' words as a theological pronouncement about afterlife for non-human creatures is just silly, IMHO.

“公告”使得权威在谈话中不再具有那么大的影响力了,除非每个个人都信任这个公告并且有意愿参与到对话当中来。Pronouncements made Ex Cathedra do not have any great effect on the conversation – unless the individual making the pronouncement is greatly trusted, and is willing to engage in conversation.