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你可以让他们住在歌珊地。Let them live in Goshen.

现在求你容仆人住在歌珊地。So now, please let your servants settle in Goshen.

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以色列人住在埃及的歌珊地。Now the Israelites settled in Egypt in the region of Goshen.

只有他们的孩子和牛羊仍然留在歌珊。Only their children and their flocks and herds were left in Goshen.

现在求你让仆人们住在歌珊地。Now therefore, please let your servants dwell in the land of Goshen.

好,是在十三世纪,它正在建造当中,建筑工程在Goshen地区。Now, in the thirteenth century, this is being rebuilt, and that's in the area of Goshen.

我相信我舅舅阿布纳·穆尔会照顾我的,所以我就到这个戈申镇来找他了。I believed that my uncle, Abner Moore, would take care of me, which is why I came to this town of Goshen to search for him.

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上帝也要我们基督徒从世界中分别出来,住在属灵的歌珊地,不要被这世界所污染、同化了。God wants us to Christians in the world, living in spiritual Goshen and should not be contaminated, the world has assimilated.

你和你的儿子,孙子,连牛群羊群,并一切所有的,都可以住在歌珊地,与我相近。You shall live in the region of Goshen and be near me-you, your children and grandchildren, your flocks and herds, and all you have.

为美国的未来战斗,所以奥巴马今年早些时候曾表示,“将开始打响,并取得胜利,就像埃尔德哈特和底特律,戈森和匹兹堡,南湾扬斯敦”。THE battle for America's future, so Barack Obama said earlier this year, "will be fought and won in places like Elkhart and Detroit, Goshen and Pittsburgh, South Bend Youngstown".

约瑟套车往歌珊去,迎接他父亲以色列,及至见了面,就伏在父亲的颈项,哭了许久。Joseph had his chariot made ready and went to Goshen to meet his father Israel. As soon as Joseph appeared before him, he threw his arms around his father and wept for a long time.

根据文本,以色列人生养众多,他们填满了Goshen这片土地,约瑟夫执政的时候将土地赠于他们,这位新法老害怕他们,他不认识约瑟夫,他害怕外来人的出现,他反抗并试图压制他们的发展。According to the text, the Israelites have multiplied, They've filled the land of Goshen that had been given to them during Joseph's tenure in office, And this new pharaoh who feared them He didn't know Joseph, he feared the foreign presence He rose and he attempted to curb their growth.