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哦,我真是猪头了!Oh, that's me bollocks !

我是说,她都是在胡说。I mean, it was all bollocks.

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噢该死的这设计真恶心。Oh, bollocks. These designs are awful.

那新闻报导简直是胡说八道。The news report is out and out bollocks.

别介意阉割,这里有性手枪。嘿。Never Mind the Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols.

它平衡所有光滑,表面胡说八道。It balances all that glossy, superficial bollocks.

滚开,这是我听过最荒谬的事。That's the biggest pile of bollocks I've ever heard.

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而你因为曾相信这些胡说八道,感觉自己跟个傻瓜一样。And you feel like a fool for having fallen for such bollocks.

现在我不想做你的朋友,但我刚才在瞎扯蛋吗?Now, I don't wanna be your mate, but am I talking bollocks here?

事实是胡言乱语并没有阻止人们去相信它。The fact that it is bollocks hasn’t stopped a good many people from believing in it.

太胡闹了,我们想看见的是要一个守门员忙不过来和要令他作出扑救。Bollocks to that, what we want is to see a keeper being worked and made to make saves.

她渴望有一天,歌手和观众之间可以有些距离,没有杂七杂八的议论和胡乱猜测,只有音乐。She yearns for that time when there was some distance between artist and audience and it was "all about the music, not Twitter and blogging and all that bollocks".

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你的爱人是不完美的,觉得这样想影响不大在任何一天都是可怕的,而且将可能让你好过。Not so subtle implications that you think your lover isn’t perfect are terrible ideas for any day and will probably grant you a knee to the bollocks rather than a mouth to the same area.