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八进制数?Octal Digit?

需要八进制插座。Requires octal socket.

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函数返回某个数字的八进制值。Function to return the octal value of a number.

抗辐射具有明确的八进制D型触发器。Radiation-hardened octal D-flip-flop with clear.

它是八进制文件权限的补数。It is the octal complement of the desired file mode.

八进制数由一个附加的下标8来识别。Octal numbers are identified by a trailing 8 subscript.

与标准C一样,一个转义序列最多接受3个八进制数字。As in Standard C, up to three octal digits are accepted.

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传回代表数值的八进位值的字串。Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.

这个整数可以是十进制,八进制,或十六进制。Values can be expressed in decimal, octal , or hexadecimal.

它能够显示ASCII的数据,小数,十六进制和八进制格式。It can display data in ASCII, decimal, hex, and octal formats.

可以用十进制、十六进制或八进制记数法定义整数常数Integer constants can be defined in decimal, hex or octal notation

八路12位,串行输入,内部参考电压输出。Octal 12-bit, Serial Input, Voltage Output with Internal Reference.

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您还可以使用八进制取代符号设置权限。You can also set permissions using octal numbers instead of symbols.

八路三态同相D触发器。谷高性能CMOS门。Octal 3-state noninverting D flip-flop. High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.

八路D触发器具有三态输出。在十三英寸卷轴运设备。Octal D flip-flop with TRI-STATE outputs. Devices shipped in 13 inches reels.

八路三态反相透明锁存器。谷高性能CMOS门。Octal 3-state inverting transparent latch. High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.

三态输出的八路D触发器。商业级设备老化。Octal D flip-flop with TRI-STATE outputs. Commercial grade device with burn-in.

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软件支持小数,十六进制,八进制和二进制的数字。The program supports fractions, decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary numbers.

下面的哪些答案可以用以表示八进制值8。Which of the following answer is correct to express the value 8 in octal number?

八路三态同相透明锁存器。谷高性能CMOS门。Octal 3-state noninverting transparent latch . High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.