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并给出了一个RDF语义查询包含算法和查询重写算法。The algorithms for RDF-based query subsumption inference and query rewriting are also introduced.

在方法上,根本违约的研究应坚持类型涵摄的方法。In the method, the fundamental breach of contract research should adhere to type subsumption approach.

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本文首先简要概述机器人学并解释包容体系结构概念。This article starts with a brief overview of robotics and explains the subsumption architecture concept.

而在包容或网络层级架构里,信息和权限自下而上递送,或由一边到另一边。In a subsumption or web hierarchy, information and authority travel from the bottom up, and from side to side.

以该短语的自动识别为基础重新分化了汉语MNP的识别任务。The identification of the phrase in this paper gives a new subsumption to the task of Chinese MNP recognition.

从某种意义上来看,软件的这种自下向上的发展过程与罗德尼·布鲁克斯的那种包容结构本质上并无不同。In essence, software is grown from the bottom up in a manner not unlike Rodney Brooks's subsumption architecture.

原因是,多个乡镇通过包容架构组织起来进行的建设、教育、管理等活动远比它们独自进行时更繁盛。That is, towns organized by this subsumption architecture can build, educate, rule, and prosper far more than they could individually.

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也就是说,以这种包容架构所组织起来的乡镇,在开展建设、实施教育、执行管理、繁荣经济方面,都可以做得比独自运作时好许多。That is, towns organized by this subsumption architecture can build, educate, rule, and prosper far more than they could individually.

但是,即使对于这么简单的机器人,使用包容编程也会使代码更加清晰,更模块化,更容易理解。However, using subsumption programming makes the code a lot cleaner, more modular, and easier to understand even in a robot as simple as this.

语言学习的一个重要过程就是将新的语言知识整合到学习者原有的认知结构中,建立新的图式和形成意义建构。A primary process in language learning is subsumption in which new language knowledge is linked with relevant concepts in the existing cognitive structures.

文中对这种高精度角位置传感器产生误差原因进行了分析,并给出了有效消除误差的方法。This paper makes systematical analysis and subsumption for each error connection of main transformer's differential protection, and puts forward corresponding methods for correction.