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动物吃了这些生物制药的作物后会发生什么?What will happen if animals eat the biopharmaceutical crops?

海藻糖广泛应用于生物药物、食品及化妆品等行业。It has wide application in biopharmaceutical , food and cosmetic, etc.

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这标志着CDISC拥有了第一家来自中国药企的会员。Hua becomes the first CDISC member as a biopharmaceutical company based in China.

生物药品制造中的污染事件的例子是存在的。Examples of contamination events in biopharmaceutical manufacturing are presented.

Pharma立基于荷兰的Bunnik,是一个进行临床阶段研究的生物制剂公司。AM-Pharma is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company based in Bunnik, the Netherlands.

有关生物医药公司的并购和投资活动日益增多。Merger&acquisition and investment in biopharmaceutical companies are also increasingly hot.

目的综述药物的生物药剂学性质对药物口服吸收的影响。Objective To review the impacts of biopharmaceutical characteristics on oral drug absorption.

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参与多产品生物制药生产平台的厂房与工艺设计。Participate in facility and process design of a multi-product biopharmaceutical manufacturing platform.

工艺验证一直是生物制药企业争论和困惑的话题。Process validation continues to be a topic of much debate and confusion for biopharmaceutical manufacturers.

研究生物医药咨询的项目管理具有重要意义。So it is important to have a comprehensive research on project management in biopharmaceutical consultation.

在墨西甘悻人们对生物制药玉米进入本国的可能性感到严重的焦虑。In Mexico people are distressed by the possibility that biopharmaceutical corn could be introduced in the country.

在墨西哥,人们对生物制药玉米进入本国的可能性感到严重的焦虑。In Mexico, people are distressed by the possibility that biopharmaceutical corn could be introduced in the country.

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转基因植物已经呈现出一种有希望的技术来生产重组生物药剂学蛋白质和疫苗。Transgenic plants have emerged as a promising technology to create recombinant biopharmaceutical proteins and vaccines.

罗恩是一位经验丰富的生物制药执行谁已被证明的纪录,创造股东价值显着。Ron is an experienced biopharmaceutical executive who has a proven track-record in creating significant shareholder value.

昆泰公司帮助生物制药公司在充满变化的环境中驾驭风险并获取机会。Quintiles helps biopharmaceutical companies navigate risk and seize opportunities in an environment where change is constant.

生物制药产业正成为各个国家和地区发展的核心产业及经济支柱。Biopharmaceutical industry is becoming all countries and regions of the core industries and the development of economic pillars.

本文就北京生物制药产业发展的优势资源、存在问题及对策作一些分析。In this paper, development resource advantages, problems and countermeasures of Beijing biopharmaceutical industry are analyzed.

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这些给药系统的口服制剂的组成和与药物相关的生物药剂学方面已经进行了广泛的研究。The formulation and drug-related biopharmaceutical aspects of these systems that govern oral absorption have been widely studied.

古德温先生是医疗保健行业的老兵,曾在数生物医药公司行政职位和董事会席位。Mr. Goodwin is a healthcare industry veteran and has held executive positions and board seats at several biopharmaceutical companies.

生物制药的测试方法总依赖于技术,高度特殊,有时甚至是不完整或不可复制的产品。Biopharmaceutical testing methods are often technique-dependent, highly product-specific, and sometimes not very robust and reproducible.