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或,不可思议地除掉他。Or, not inconceivably getting rid of him.

岂有此理,他竟干出了如此蠢事!It was an inconceivably stupid thing to have done.

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它仍然令人不可置信,一流的山坡上耸立的乐趣。It is still inconceivably first-rate fun on spruced slopes.

这样的存在才是你的实质,同时又难以想象地比你大的多。That presence is essentially you and at the same time inconceivably greater than you.

这种事,哪怕他知道如何着手,也危险得不可思议。It would have been inconceivably dangerous even if he had known how to set about doing it.

这一数字要比今天战争的死伤人数高出很多,至少从英国军队的角度看是这样的。That figure is inconceivably higher than today's war casualties, at least as they affect British troops.

通过他的神奇力量,他获得瞬间遍访无数佛土的能力。He achieved by his miraculous power the ability to visit in one moment all the inconceivably infinite number of Buddha realms.

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巴拉望西部的群岛,甚至菲律宾人也把它描述为这个国家的最后处女地,充满了不可思议的异域和热带的风情。The western island group of Palawan, which even Filipinos describe as their country's last frontier, is inconceivably exotic and tropical.

像天离地那样的高,神的慈爱,要带下他丰富的祝福,也是测不透的大。As high as the heaven is above the earth, so immeasurably and inconceivably great is the mercy of God waiting to bestow His richest blessing.

圣灵与十架之间有密不可分的紧密关系,圣灵引导耶稣上十架,赐祂力量在那儿受苦至死。The connection between the cross and the Spirit is inconceivably close and full of meaning. The Spirit brought Christ to the cross and enabled Him to die there.

如果这一推论正确,那么博斯科普人种将不不仅有一颗令人印象深刻的大脑袋,他们还将拥有大的不可思议的前额叶皮层。If these principled relations among brain parts hold true, then Boskops would have had not only an impressively large brain but an inconceivably large prefrontal cortex.

这些晚期的暴龙君王堪称暴龙家族中的华丽代表,它们的寿命约为30年,生长速度快得令人难以置信,其头颅的抗压能力超强。These last and most magnificent rex species lived about 30 years, growing at fantastic rates. Their skulls could, not surprisingly, handle almost inconceivably high stresses.