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一个完全的英式风格切片配合有利健康的塞浦路斯拉他吉亚。A full English style flake with a healthy dose of Cyprian Latakia.

他的一些作品已下降到我们的名义下街塞浦路斯。Some of his works have come down to us under the name of St. Cyprian.

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塞浦路斯在一些地方证明,血液交给了人民。Cyprian in some places testifies that the blood was given to the people.

塞浦路斯进行了痛苦的争论与鉴泉,罗马的主教,在这个问题上。Cyprian carried on a bitter controversy with Stephen, bishop of Rome, on this issue.

因此,塞浦路斯还建议,妇女谁不保持贞节,他们已答应要结婚。Accordingly, Cyprian also advises that women who do not keep the chastity they have promised should marry.

直到一天,只有伟大的拉丁语父亲是圣塞浦路斯,希拉里没有对手在他自己的一代。Until his day, the only great Latin Father was St. Cyprian , and Hilary had no rival in his own generation.

但是,由于担心据称的俄罗斯寡头使用塞浦路斯银行洗钱,救市一直未得到批准。But the bailout hasn't yet been agreed because of concerns about allegations that Russian oligarchs used Cyprian banks to launder money.

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更正特有的伊泰莱都证明了这引文塞浦路斯,并可能已被来自希腊手稿带到非洲。The corrections peculiar to the Itala are attested by the quotations of Cyprian , and may have been derived from a Greek manuscript taken to Africa.

学校的亚历山大在年底年初的第二和第三世纪得到通知,因为这样的作家依,良,西波吕和塞浦路斯。The Alexandrian school at the end of the second and early in the third century deserves notice, as do such writers as Irenaeus, Tertullian, Hippolytus, and Cyprian.

英国混合的特征,从柔和的格鲁吉亚维吉尼亚,黑卡文迪西,墨西哥芭里和塞浦路斯拉他吉亚,轻度到中等强度。A characteristic English Mixture, developed from mellow Georgian Virginias, Black Cavendish, Mexican Burley's and Cyprian Latakia, a classic. Mild to medium strength.

英国混合的特征,从柔和的格鲁吉亚维吉尼亚,黑卡文迪西,墨西哥芭里和塞浦路斯拉他吉亚,轻度到中等强度。A characteristic English Mixture, developed from mellow Georgian Virginias, Black Cavendish, Mexican Burley 's and Cyprian Latakia, a classic. Mild to medium strength.

尼亚姆韦姆是全国行政大会理事会的执行主任、兼全国公民社会大会的领导人,全国公民社会大会倡导将内阁的职位减少到21个。Cyprian Nyamwamu is executive director of the National Executive Convention Council and a leader of the National Civil Society Congress, which has advocated reducing the number of Cabinet posts to 21.