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这样的比喻是什么含义?What does this simile mean?

这是伽利略的比喻。That was the Galileo simile.

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这是关于落叶的比喻。This is the simile of the leaves.

然而诸比丘,这只是一个比喻。However, Bhikkhus, this is just a simile.

但是关于这个比喻我们还有更多有待发现的。But we have further to go with this simile.

其方法是比较法、比喻法、借用法。Comparison, simile and synecdoche are used.

“洁白如雪”是一个明喻的好例子。As white as snow" is a good example of a simile.

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不过这是我已经赐与你们的明喻。This is the simile of what I have just given to you.

想一想,有什么在这个比喻里缺失了。Think about it. Something's gone awry in this simile.

语常见的比喻形式有明喻和隐喻。Common language of metaphor and simile form of metaphor.

在英汉语言中,明喻都起到了画龙点睛的作用。Simile makes the finishing point in Chinese and English.

这是关于哈特曼描述的迟来的农夫。This is the simile of the belated peasant that Hartman describes.

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我们还有时间看另一个比喻,卷一的最后一个比喻。Okay. We have time for another simile, the last simile of Book One.

作者在诗中使用了象征主义手法,和比喻等修辞方法。The writer uses imagism and other figure of speech like simile etc.

为什么神圣的作者允许自己做模棱两可的比喻?Why had the divine author permitted himself the ambiguity of simile?

追念战争,我能赐与你们一个明喻的讲法。Back to thinking about the battlefield, there is a simile I can give you.

首先,我们来看看这些将,撒旦的庇护地比作了月亮的明喻。Okay. First of all, let's look at the simile that compares Satan's shield to the moon.

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在人们的言语交际活动中,比喻是一种极为普遍且常见的修辞手法。Simile is one of the most common and widespread rhetorical devices in social communication.

突然,这种比喻竭力想要表现的区别,开始崩塌。Suddenly, the distinctions that the simile works so hard to establish are beginning to erode.

结论黄芪注射液能改善老年患者的心功能。Conclusion The Astragalus injection can improve the cardiac function in simile patients with HF.