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很明显随着农业的盛行,弥生人的语言也占了主要地位。Apparently the Yayoi language prevailed, along with the agricultural technology.

日本的饮茶习俗是在前汉时期日本的弥生时代,由中国传过来的。Custom of drinking tea in Japan during the former Han Yayoi Japan, passed over by the Chinese.

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在纽约的时候有时候会去看看画廊,我也非常喜欢草间弥生的作品。When I was in New York, I went to gallery sometimes. I also like Yayoi Kusama's works very much.

她与助手,法律系的学生水野弥生并肩作战,扑灭以女性为目标的罪案。With her assistant Yayoi Mizuno, who is a law student, they try to exterminate swindlers target women.

她与助手,法律系的学生水野弥生并肩作战,扑灭以女性为目标的罪案。With her assistant Yayoi Mizuno, who is a law student, they try to exterminate swindlers target women.

这时朝鲜半岛上有好几种语言,而弥生人的语言却不得而知。Several languages seem to have been spoken on the Korean Peninsula at this time, and that of the Yayoi people is unknown.

李先生论证到,如果树形图的根很古老的话日本语则应该是起源于縄文文化,如果很近的话则应该是弥生文化。Mr. Lee reasoned that Japanese would have originated with the Jomon if the root of the tree turned out to be very ancient, but with the Yayoi culture if recent.

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在布鲁塞尔,一名参观者观看膨胀的塑胶球,这是日本通俗艺术家草间弥生「迷恋斑点」展的其中一个作品。A visitor looks at inflatable plastic balloons, part of the "Dots Obsession" exhibition created by Japanese pop artist Yayoi Kusama, in Brussels October 30, 2007.

它就像一个窗口,反映了弥生时代的社会如何对亚洲大陆的事件和趋势作出反应,包括技术,政治,文化,人文和思想的发展。It is a window to how Yayoi societies reacted to events and trends on the Asian continent, relating to technological, political, cultural, human and ideological developments.

1929年生于日本,1957年移居美国纽约,开始从事前卫艺术的创作,包括绘画、装置、雕塑作品和行为艺术。Born in 1929 in Japan, Yayoi Kusama moved to the U. S. in 1957 and began to create avantgarde art that includes paintings, installations, sculptures, and performance artworks.

享负盛名的日本插画师草间弥生更为系列的包装创制出以大自然为题材的六款活力十足、色彩鲜艳的图案,完美配合系列的六款色调。What's more, world-renowned designer Yayoi Kusama designed six vibrant, colourful motifs inspired by Nature for Juicy Tubes to perfectly complement the six shades in this edition.

日本人起源的问题是有着政治影响的,与弥生文化之间的联系曾被用于支持二战前对朝鲜和满洲的吞并。The question of Japanese origins has had political consequences, with the link to the Yayoi culture having been invoked to justify the annexation of Korea and Manchuria before World War II.

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他于星期二在皇家学会期刊上报道到,计算机显示树形图的起源在2182年前,这与弥生文化的考古学时间相当吻合。The computer's date of 2,182 years ago for the origin of the tree fits reasonably well with the archaeological dates for the Yayoi culture, he reported Tuesday in The Proceedings of the Royal Society.

他于星期二在皇家学会期刊上报道到,计算机显示树形图的起源在2182年前,这与弥生文化的考古学时间相当吻合。The computer’s date of 2,182 years ago for the origin of the tree fits reasonably well with the archaeological dates for the Yayoi culture, he reported Tuesday in The Proceedings of the Royal Society.