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灵魂?还是颓靡?Your soul? or your dismay?

这将使环保组织失望。This will dismay green groups.

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那老师因惊慌而呻吟。The teacher groaned with dismay.

老鼠们大为沮丧地告退了。The mice withdrew in great dismay.

而令我万念俱灰的是,她还真找到了一份工作。And to my utter dismay she got a job.

他的脸上流露出沮丧的神情。His face took on an expression of dismay.

你会因此而变得生气,懊悔和沮丧吗?Can you work up anger and regret and dismay over that?

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被逼急的助理看到这种情形,显得惊慌失措。His harried assistant witnesses the scene with dismay.

地方政务委员的反应是惊恐和愤怒。Local councillors have reacted with dismay and indignation.

但它也显露了每日邮报和CMI研究小组的沮丧情绪。But it shares the Mail's, and the CMI research team's, dismay.

“我得到的典型反应是同情和惋惜,”她说。"The typical reaction I get is of dismay and pity," she noted.

而她失落的心情很快就被轻松惬意的感觉取代了。But dismay quickly gave way to feelings of lightness and freedom.

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哥印拜陀的实业家们也表示感到愤怒与错愕。Industrialists in Coimbature have also expressed anger and dismay.

陆克文搁置该计划令工党的忠实支持者大失所望。Rudd earlier this year, to the dismay of the Labor Party faithful.

专家们对这一不切实际的苏联式工程项目表示失望。Experts have expressed dismay at the quixotic Soviet-style project.

仿佛被一种单纯的思想所促使,他们惊惶失措,高声哀叫。As if moved by a single thought, they tried out in dismay and grief.

听到小花牛惊慌的哞哞低鸣,她快步跑出茅屋。She rushed out of the hut when she heard her dappled cow low in dismay.

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尤其是在美国,其他的观点也加入到反分心的合唱中。Other voices, particularly in America, have joined the chorus of dismay.

他,很沮丧地发现他的读者在中国都面临着同样的限制。He sees with dismay much the same limitations among his readers in China.

如果你不喜欢企鹅队,你有可能会摇头叹息。If you don't like the Penguins, you might be shaking your head in dismay.