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叶青双对水蚤属低毒或近似无毒农药。The pesticide was low in toxicity or nearly non-toxic to Daphnia Magna.

研究了联苯胺对大型溞的急性毒性和慢性毒性。The acute and chronic toxicities of benzidine to Daphnia magna were studied.

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大型水是国际公认的标准实验生物。Daphnia magna is recognized as a standard experimental organism in the world.

但是,镉和五氯酚钠对产溞率的影响因溞种而异。However, the reproduction rate of Daphnia was discrepant in different Daphnia species.

从一个水蚤个体中获取足够的蛋白对于表型分析也变得十分重要。Therefore, it is important to derive sufficient protein from a single Daphnia for phenotypic analyses.

我们用可重复的实验室Daphnia种群来检验这个假设。We conducted an experiment with replicate laboratory populations of Daphnia magna to test this hypothesis.

表明镉和五氯酚钠对三种水溞繁殖能力的影响是不一样的。Showed that the influence of cadmium and PCP to reproduction capacity in three Daphnia species was different.

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在一定浓度的农药暴露中,暴露生物的行为强度在经历一个短暂的突增后,会随暴露时间增加而逐步减弱。In the 48h-exposure, there was a sudden increase of Daphnia magna behavior strength, and then decreased gradually.

大型溞是国际公认的标准实验生物,广泛应用于污染物的生态毒性评价。Daphnia magna have been used word-wide as a standard test organism for ecotoxicological evaluation of contamination.

另外,初步研究了不同药物在不同浓度下对大型溞24h活动性抑制作用。In addition, the 24h immobilisations assay on Daphnia magna of different drugs at different concentrations was studied.

本文报道了新杀菌剂叶青双对水蚤毒性的测定方法和结果。The essay reported the testing method and results of toxicity research of the pesticide to a water flea, Daphnia Magna.

氟虫腈在水中的质量浓度达到LC50时对大型蚤的种群有影响。The certain concentrations of fipronil approaching the LC50 can negatively affect population parameters of Daphnia pulex.

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“水蚤系统是一种敏锐的水中传感器、一种潜在的高科技、一种现代版的矿区金丝雀,”他说。"The Daphnia system is an exquisite aquatic sensor, a potential high-tech and modern version of the mineshaft canary," he said.

在分析中,主要介绍了大型蚤的试验培养技术和国内外对其毒理试验方面的研究概况。This article mainly introduces the cultivate technology of daphnia magna and the domestic and foreign situation of its toxicity test.

大型枝角类蚤状溞的滤食实验结果表明,有毒微囊藻PCC7820可降低蚤状溞的存活率、种群增长率和个体生长速度。Toxic M. aeruginosa PCC7820 not only decreased the survival rate and population increase rate but also delayed maturation of Daphnia pulex.

此外,这些杂交品种在污染控制手段使营养水平回复到正常的数十年间依旧保持着优势水蚤品种的地位。What’s more, the hybrids remained the dominant Daphnia species decades after pollution control measures brought nutrient levels back to normal.

分别采用持续流水式系统和半静态系统为暴露途径,比较研究难溶化学品3,4-二氯苯胺对大型蚤繁殖影响的差异。The reproduction studies of difficult substance 3,4-dichloroaniline on Daphnia magna were performed with semi-static and continuous-flow system.

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大型蚤是水体生态系统中对农药十分敏感的生物,被世界各国列为农药登记中必测非靶标生物之一。As the key part of the natural water food chain, the Daphnia magna is very sensitive to pesticides and listed as the essential non-target organism in the pesticide registration.

水蚤有大量之前从未见过的基因,也有一大堆在人类身上就发现的相同基因,其数量是至今科学家所知的昆虫或甲壳类生物中最多的。Daphnia has a large number of never-before seen genes, as well as a big chunk of the same genes found in humans, the most of any insects or crustacean so far known to scientists.

二个种群的大型溞具有明显的昼夜摄食节律,早晨和傍晚为两个摄食高峰期,盐度对摄食节律无影响。The Daphnia magna of the two population has obvious around-the clock ingestion rhythm, the morning and the evening are two peaks of ingestion. Salinity has no influence on the ingestion rhythm.