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女仆在哪里?Where is the maidservant?

你待婢女也要这样。Do the same for your maidservant.

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那女仆打入玛丽家为同伙日后行窃踩点。The maidservant drummed Mary's house.

我该垂涎邻家的女佣吗?Shall I covet my neighbour's maidservant?

女仆伺候我母亲极为周到。The maidservant valeted my mother very well.

你这个时候看起来真像个老妈子。You look like my old maidservant at this time.

她在我们家里扮演着女仆的角色。She is role-playing the maidservant in our home.

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过了三、四年,丫环生了一个女孩。Several years later, the maidservant gave birth to a girl.

“奴婢知道该如何做了。”书雪应诺着下去。"The maidservant knew how to do. "Book sleet keeps on admitting.

拉班又将婢女辟拉给女儿拉结作使女。Laban gave his servant girl Bilhah to his daughter Rachel as her maidservant.

女佣人看见一条蛇女所以大家认为灵儿被抓。A maidservant saw a snake enchantress so they believed that Zhao was taken by it.

我曾经与女佣一起护送马图尔的女儿到她丈夫的房间。I used to escort Mathur's daughter to her husband's chamber with the maidservant.

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至于使女的儿子,我也必使他的后裔成立一国,因为他是你所生的。I will make the son of the maidservant into a nation also, because he is your offspring.

“奴婢已经准备好了马车,您看什么时候出发?”碧儿询问着。"The maidservant has already got ready wagon, do you see while set out?"The green jade son inquires.

自己一个丞相千金,眼前的男人都说打就打,何况一个奴婢?A premier minister daughter of ego, at present of the men entire say dozen and then blow, except a maidservant?

我何必为一个婢女放弃做妃子的荣华富贵呢。Do I why the absence for give up the reputation credit and riches of doing the regal concubine as a maidservant.

外面的荷包也是奴婢亲手绣的,不知道能不能入八爷的眼。The billfold of outdoor is personally also what maidservant embroiders, don't understand the eye that can go into eight Yes.

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人若打坏了他奴仆或是婢女的一支眼,就要因他的眼放他去得以自由。If a man hits a manservant or maidservant in the eye and destroys it, he must let the servant go free to compensate for the eye.

二奶奶,您刚刚熬药汤累了半天,还是让奴婢来给二爷洗脚吧。Second daughter-in-law, you just cook medicine the soup was tired along while, still let the maidservant come to wash feet for two Yes.

她不肯说,到临了才漏出来这老妈子要她做媳妇,允许把儿子配给她。She refused to say. It finally came out that the old maidservant wanted her as daughter-in-law and had promised her her son in marriage.