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谁给我的诞生呢?Whw gives me birth?

出生日期就是其一。Date of birth is one.

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每一天都有新事物诞生。Every day is a birth.

他出身高贵。He is of noble birth.

出生的造化。the accident of birth.

那是我的第二次生命。It was my second birth.

母亲诞生于哪座城市?。Mother's city of birth?

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乐儿生了一个儿子。Both gave birth to a son.

让钱生钱。Give birth to your money.

罗宾•唐妮的生日是六月十九日。Her birth date is June 19.

哪项是四蒂的出生日期?What is Siti's birth date?

关于出生顺序的调查。The poll about birth order.

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你的出生年月日?What is your date of birth?

祝宁宁生日快乐!Happy Birth Day to Ningning!

他生来就哑。He has been dumb from birth.

王子出身高贵。The prince is of good Birth.

查看一下你的出生证。Check your birth certificate.

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我们中的大多数生下来就是懒惰的。Most of us are lazy by birth.

玛丽从一生下来就双目失明。Mary's been blind since birth.

她生了一个健慷漂亮的婴幅。She gave birth to a fine baby.