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隐形术雕文的持续时间增加。Glyph of Invisibility duration has been increased.

因此,我在这里,陶醉于被隐形的年纪。So here I am, revelling in the age of invisibility.

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莉莉戳了它一下,它马上缩得看不见了。Lily poked it and it shimmered almost to invisibility.

是的,如果说无形,是看不见的话。Well, it was when by invisibility we meant can't be seen.

拉稀选择了一个圆舞曲似的航线,他想要速度和隐蔽。Lash danced a fine line. He wanted speed and invisibility.

穆迪教授的魔眼可以看穿隐形斗篷。Moody's magical eye could see through Invisibility Cloaks.

我们是怎么跌进道内这场巨大的消隐无踪的?How did we fall into such great invisibility within the Tao?

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海菲尔德说隐形科技给他的印象最为深刻。Highfield says invisibility technology impresses him the most.

隐身术。那我就可以四处潜行并且去我不该去的地方。Invisibility. So I could sneak around and go places I shouldn't.

“好的,”他说,“不过这次我要带那件隐形衣去。”Okay, " he said. "But I'm taking the Invisibility Cloak this time. "

需求环境是我们与软件不可见性对抗的领域。Requirements context is the area where we fight software invisibility.

隐形能力可能很快使科幻小说中的幻想成为现实。The power of invisibility may soon be more than just a sci-fi fantasy.

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你怎么能看到我,当我穿着隐身衣呢?How can you be seen with me when I'm wearing the cloak of invisibility?

他的成功,部分原因是由于魔法工具,如隐身衣。His success is partly because of magic tools like an invisibility cloth.

科学家们已无限接近于制成一件真正隐身衣的事实了。Scientists are getting damn close to inventing a true invisibility cloak.

您不得使用隐形技术在家庭战场。You are not allowed to use invisibility skill in the family battlefields.

哈利跳进去,在开始下降时扯下了隐形衣。Harry jumped in and pulled off the Invisibility Cloak as it started its descent.

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当前各类开发隐身衣的研究试图将一个物体在空间中隐藏起来。Current work in developing invisibility cloaks tries to hide an object spatially.

现实生活里,隐形披风也即将从科学的“魔法”中诞生了。In real life, an invisibility cloak could soon emerge from the "magic" of science.

如果说无形意思不能尝到摸到闻到,听到的话,灵魂也是无形的。It was when by invisibility we meant can't be tasted or touched or heard or smelled.