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“一”来自于它。The "a" came from acetyl.

将一个乙酰基加到某个分子上的过程。The addition of an acetyl group to a molecule.

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乙酰基是酰基的一个例子。An example of the acyl group is the acetyl group.

HDAC抑制剂阻断了去乙酰基化过程。HDAC inhibitors block the removal of these acetyl groups.

最后,本文讨论了空间位阻效应对反应性质的影响。In the end, the steric hindrance of the acetyl group was discussed.

HDAC可以从很多蛋白质中去除一种叫做乙酰基的化学结构。HDAC removes certain chemicals, called acetyl groups, from a wide range of proteins.

一个小小的分子称作一个乙酰基团,它黏在一个称作H4的特殊组蛋白上。A small molecule called an acetyl group attaches to a particular histone known as H4.

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采用猪胰脂肪酶抑制剂活性筛选模型对各组分进行活性筛选。An inhibitory mechanism of lipase inhibitor was studied using acetyl acetate extract.

首次从该属植物分离得到乙酰化黄酮苷。It is firstly reported the existence of acetyl flavonoid glycosides from genus Syzygium.

在因年龄而发生记忆遗失时,没有足够的乙酰基团粘在组蛋白上。In age-related memory loss, the H4 histones don’t have enough acetyl groups attached to them.

DNA周围的学习和记忆基因束靠近乙酰基群,注入一种能促进乙酰基群变成任何一种组蛋白分子的酶。The cluster of learning and memory genes on the surrounding DNA ends up close to the acetyl group.

为了激活这些辅助基因,那些被称为乙酰群的化学物质必须首先释放出那些紧紧被包裹住的脱氧核糖核酸。To activate helper genes, chemical tags called acetyl groups must first loosen tightly wrapped DNA.

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采用乙酰氯副产物为原料合成复合水质稳定剂。The compound stabilizer of water is synthetized from the by product in production of acetyl chloride.

首次用路易斯酸作为催化剂,以水杨酸和乙酸酐为原料合成乙酰水杨酸。It has proved that acetyl salicylic acid can be synthesized in high yield with the catalysis of NiSO4.

这种改性或者是甲基增至DNA中,或者是乙酰基增加到组蛋白中。This modification is either the addition of methyl groups to the DNA or of acetyl groups to the histones.

年纪大的老鼠体内的乙酰群比起幼鼠来要少的多,因此当辅助记忆的基因需要被释放出来的时候年纪较大的老鼠体内却没有足够的乙酰群来“帮忙”,这直接导致了它们无法更好地保持记忆力。Old mice had many fewer acetyl groups at the time that they should have been storing the memory of the shock.

这些配角包含了用来关闭或启动基因的蛋白质,例如藉由将乙醯基群或甲基群加至DNA上的过程。They include proteins that shut down or activate a gene, for example by adding acetyl or methyl groups to the DNA.

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介绍了一种含环氧基聚酯的羟值测定方法,即乙酰氯法。A method for determining hydroxyl value of epoxy-containing polyester, namely acetyl chloride method is introduced.

结论血清弓形虫抗体阳性的慢性荨麻疹患者使用乙酰螺旋霉素治疗,疗效显著。Conclusion Acetyl spiramycin shows significant efficacy on chronic urticaria patients with positive serum toxoplasma.

特别是,这项研究描述了一种乙酰基遗传“开关”,这直接导致了一只16个月大的白鼠记忆上的损伤。Specifically, the study describes an acetyl genetic switch that produces memory impairment in aging 16-month-old mice.