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企鹅,蠢物也!Penguins are retarded.

他是个十足的智障。He is completely retarded.

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我曾认为他智力迟钝。I thought he was retarded.

明白了吗,音乐是渐慢的Okay? So the music is retarded.

一个孩子是迟钝的。One child was mentally retarded.

嘿!我的儿子是“白痴。”Hey, my son is "fucking retarded.

数百万吉普赛人,还有同性恋者,苏联人,弱智者,好多人都被杀了。Retarded people. Tons were killed.

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他天生是个低能儿。He was born a mentally retarded boy.

他依然在笑,略微迟钝。He was still smiling, slightly retarded.

我是智力迟钝,还是乐极生悲呢?Am I Am I retarded or am I just overjoyed?

少年时代,周杰伦被人们认为智力迟钝、呆傻愚蠢。As a boy, Chou was called retarded. Stupid.

我们都有这样一个朋友,笑的时候永远慢半拍。We all have a friend with a retarded laugh.

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这所学校是为弱智儿童开办的。This school is calculated for retarded children.

哦,如果你答错了,你将看起来像个智障。Todd?" If you answer wrong, you'll look retarded.

小的分子被阻滞在层折柱上。Small molecules are retarded from leaving the column.

弱智儿童都学习一些什么课程?。What are the courses offered to the retarded children?

大雨使我们推迟了七十分钟才到达。The heavy rain retarded our arrival by seventy minutes.

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什么样的儿童被视为弱智儿童?。What kinds of children are regarded as mentally retarded?

心率有规律的加速而后减慢。The heart rate is regularly accelerated and then retarded.

查韦斯总统说,他是弱智,他一定是。He's mentally retarded , said President Chaves, he must be.