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想跟静寂私奔?Want to elope with hush?

你会为爱私奔吗?Will you elope for love?

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“天哪——我们私奔好吗?”她笑着说。"Mercy--shall we elope?" she laughed.

但是,害了相思病的年轻情侣们都私奔何方呢?But, where do lovelorn young couples elope?

所以这对恋人计划私奔。So our lovers came up With a plan to elope.

有天晚上罗米欧决定暸要和茱丽叶私奔。Romeo decides to elope with Juliette one night.

那天晚上,克莱门和何塞决定私奔。That night Clemencia and José decided to elope.

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于是,两个年轻人选择了逃婚。Therefore, the two young people chose to elope.

他还说,如果有必要的话,他们甚至会私奔的。He also said that they would elope if they had to.

来自伊丽莎白父亲的反对迫使他们于1846年私奔。Opposition from Elizabeth's father forced them to elope in 1846.

趁着国王不在,帕里斯说服海伦与他一起私奔到特洛伊城。In the king's absence he persuaded Helen to elope with him to Troy.

发疯似的满世界找你结果你已经和他私奔到月球。Frantic say-can seek you results have you elope with him to the moon.

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银行家们想和她私奔,地产商们想给她买栋楼。Bankers wanted to elope with her, realtors wanted to buy her a building.

我的一个双子朋友曾说服了他的未婚妻在婚礼之前私奔。One of my Gemini friends convinced his fiance to elope with him, the day before their marriage.

省长称这对情侣决定私奔是因为他们的家庭不赞同他们的婚礼。The governor said the couplehaddecided to elope because their families would not approve their marriage.

你不认为她离开了,部分原因是他知道她所爱的男人不会跟她私奔?Don’t you agree with me that she left partly because she knew that her man wouldn’t actually elope with her?

一帆决定跟麦可私奔,临走前煮了一餐给一官吃,还交代月霞从今以后好好地照顾一官。Yifan decides to elope with Michael. She cooks a meal for Yiguan prior to her departure and asks Yuexia to take good care of Yiguan.

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所以这对情侣在几位心腹密友的帮助下,计划私奔并秘密结婚。However, their families are basically at war, so the couple plans to elope and marry secretly with the help of a few trusted confidants.

据悉,此举是希望杜绝当地女子与不同种姓男性发生“超友谊关系”,避免他们相约私奔。" It is reported that the move is to put an end to local women and men who have different castes "super friendship", similar to elope to avoid them.

本周一深夜,鼎晖投资合伙人王功权通过微博宣布和情人私奔,全国上下顿时一片哗然。Wang Gongquan, co-founder of CDH Investment, raised eyebrows in China after posting plans to elope with his mistress on his microblog late Monday night.