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还是喝咖啡时想吸烟?With coffee?

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享受咖啡。Coffee. Mmmm.

也可以啊,好好享受你的咖啡吧。Enjoy your coffee.

咖啡煮好了。The coffee is made.

我喜欢澹咖啡。I like light coffee.

没有,咖啡是另计的。No, coffee is extra.

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你是咖啡爱好者么?Are you coffee lover?

茶和咖啡都行。Either tea or coffee.

这咖啡好难喝。This coffee is awful.

喝咖啡或茶吗?Coffee or tea drinker?

自带咖啡,同上。Give up coffee. Ditto.

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他转动咖啡磨。He grinds coffee mill.

他出声地搅动咖啡。He swished his coffee.

我喜欢来杯热咖啡。I'd love a hot coffee.

我能再多要一些珈琲妈?。Can I have more coffee?

给你自己倒杯咖啡吧。Get your cup of coffee.

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我喜好品茗不喜欢喝咖啡。I prefer tea to coffee.

这咖啡放糖了吗?。Is this coffee sugared?

茶或咖啡要单点。Tea or coffee by order.