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我都看不透。I see through.

经历癌症。Through cancer.

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通过下水道。Through the sewer.

此路不通。Not a Through Road.

通过门户。Through the portal.

通过时事通讯?Through newsletters?

通过你的事业!Through your career!

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电话接通了吗?Have you got through?

我和某人结束关系了。I am through with sb.

我和他断绝了关系。I'm through with him.

打算落了空。The plan fell through.

捅破那堵墙!Break through the wall!

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你可以通关了。You may go through now.

称之为S1到SnCall them S1 through Sn.

他虚度了一生。He dreamed through life.

我识破了那个骗局。I saw through the fraud.

通过游标进行循环。Loop through the cursor.

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这是一辆直达车。This is a through train.

在面包里挖隧道!Tunneling through bread.

大家看,把名字圈起来。Go through and circle it.