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大兴安岭东西两麓有众多小民族生存。There are many minor ethnos living around Daxing Anling region.

由此,各民族得以协调振荡,完整共存。As a result, all Ethnos could coexist completely and harmoniously.

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"债务重整不在讨论之内,"帕潘德里欧周日接受报纸Ethnos的话称."Debt restructuring is not under discussion," Papandreou said in an interview in Sunday newspaper Ethnos.

可是学术界也提出「彝族」可能是「一个集合许多民族而成的民族集团」的论点。On the other hand, the academia puts forward an argument that "Yi" may be "a group comprising a lot of ethnos".

民族是一个生物学范畴,是适应地理环境所产生的自然现象。Ethnos belongs to the biological existence. It is also a natural phenomenon that is adapted to natural environment.

因此彝族的建构与彝族文学史的建构,便成为我们关注的要点。Therefore, the construction of Yi ethnos and of its literature history will become the main point worthy to pay attention to.

他们在寻找真理,他们在不同族群和不同时代组成的迷宫中徘徊,试图融合那些不能调和的文化成分。In search of the truth, they are wandering in the culture labyrinths of various ethnos and epochs, trying to combine some incompatible cultural layers.

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源流史诗须在彝族文学史里去找定位,但是彝族文学史成立的先决条件是彝族的成立。The origin epics should find its position in the Yi literature history, but the precondition of Yi literature history relies on the formation of Yi ethnos.

广义上文化即传播,本文主要从文化传播的角度探讨了不同民族之间长期的接触与互动中发生的文化交融与变迁。In a broad sense, communication actually is culture. This paper discusses cultural blend and changes between different ethnos from the angle of communication.

内在势力指的是无形的心理因素,迫使客家人变成隐形族群,慢慢放弃自己的语言,转而学习、吸收他种强势语言。Inner influence refers to invisible mental factor, which forced Hakkas to be invisible ethnos. Hakkas give up their own language gradually and turn to learn other powerful languages.

自一九五○年代「民族」确定以来的现况,依官定说法,是「一个语言复杂而支系繁多的民族」。According to the official statement, the present situation is that Yi-zu is "one ethnos complicated with various languages and branches" while in 1950s the "Yi" was confirmed as the "ethnos".