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除了空虚我什么也不知道。I don't know except inanition.

弥补一些些心灵上的空虚。Remedy some inanition on soul a bit.

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暴发户摆阔的生活方式显示出他的浅薄。The bounder's ostentatious life showed his inanition.

没有了你的足球看起来是那么的空虚,那么的多余。The football without you seems that it is so inanition , it is surplus that so.

否则,受精的卵子也会出现营养不足的现象。Otherwise, the ovum of be fertilized also can appear the phenomenon of inanition.

我们的关系开始体验到任何婚姻在七年以后都会遭遇的空洞。Our relationship had begun to suffer the inanition of many marriages at seven years.

除了在北京设有分支机构以外,公司在国内各中心城市设立的若干分公司正在陆续组建中。Inanition to the office in Beijing, offices in other big cities in China are setting up in succession.

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于是,我二十五岁的青春血液,虽然因为营养不足而变得非常稀薄,这时也在我的血管中激荡迸溅。So, my blood of 25 ages, although very thinner because of inanition , at this moment, surged in my vas.

结果表明,铸件中组织不均匀,存在空洞、疏松等内部缺陷。The results show that the microstructure of the roller were uneven, some inanition and loosen were found.

有确凿的证据显示臭氧层上的空洞正在以惊人的速度扩大。There's an absolutely evidence to show that the inanition inside the ozonosphere was enlarging by a great speed.

首先,生育力与营养因素密切相关,营养不足或过剩都可能导致男性不育。Above all, closely related fertility and nutrient element, inanition or superfluous cause the man possibly not Yo.

是什么样的现实太空洞,才想要逃避,逃到另一座城市,逃到书本里,逃到舞蹈中,音乐里。What is the inanition reality , just think of escaping, fled to another city, and escaped to the book, fled to dance, music.

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本章考察了在相当长的一段时期,由于漠视版画本体语言民族文化含量而造成创作面貌的空洞和浅薄。Chapter 1 Inducement and ConditionThis chapter reviews the state of inanition in the production because of neglect of content of national culture.

尤其适合于层状复合材料、带有表面涂层或镀层及胶合结构存在层间缺陷、空洞、裂纹的无损检验。The technique is especially applicable to complex material, surface coating or plating to detect the inanition or cracks of different insulations.

物本经济将人变成了财富的奴隶,人在物质财富急剧增长的浮华下,往往感到自我的丧失和精神的空虚。The materialcentric economy makes people as slave of wealth, who often feel the self- lose and inanition of spirit under the vanity of material wealth.

当松苗外部症状出现之初,松苗多数组织细胞病变出现空洞,松材线虫此时已处于旺盛的增殖阶段,从根部也能分离出线虫。As soon as the host pine appeared symptom, most of the pine tissues had inanition. Then nematodes were getting along with vigorous multiplying stage and be separated from the pin root.